Space for the Girls.

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Chapter 72
Dec. 24th

I smiled as I watched Rain and Thrill put together the two toddler beds. They had been out all day and as soon as they walked in London and Mayra had got they assess. I bit my lip as I watched Rain pull her hair out of her sloppy bun I put in her hair because I can. I smiled as I watched Thrill look at the last bed being put together and roll his eyes.

"You are not very manly right now," Rain said as she laughed.

I smiled as she handed him the blunt.

"Nigga we have put together 10 of these bitches," he said and snatched the blunt.

Rain ran her hands through her curls. I watched as they bounced around her head and finally framed her face. She tilted her head to the left. She was so damn sexy when she was off her ass I must admit.

"Right you should be a pro at this shit," she said as she handed him the blunt.

"This why y'all can't get shit done," I said.

"Ms. Rose. Don't you start," she said as she looked back at me and winked.

"I'll start what I want to," I said as I walked further into the room.

"Well don't start while I'm here," Thrill said.

"Leave then," Rain said and chuckled.

"Gladly. I'm tired of playing gay bob the builder anyway," he said as he stood up.

I laughed as he stood up and mushed Rains head as she swatted his hand away.

"Stop you damn half blood nigga," she mumbled.

I giggled as Thrill slapped the back of her neck and ran out the room. I bit my bottom lip as she sat there looking down in her lap.

"Is this what you gonna look like putting our kids stuff together?" I asked her as I walked next to her.

I smirked and ran my hand through her curls. They were pretty much done putting the two beds together. She wouldn't let me see the other beds so I'm just going to assume that the beds are ridiculous.

"I don't know we might have to get a design person to do this shit," she mumbled as she finished rolling up.

I giggled. She looked up at me and smiled. She was high as shit. Like around her birthday high. I should have never let these two go out alone. But they somehow convinced me it would be alright. Her eyes traveled up my body slowly. I must admit I was pretty damn high too. But not like her. Heaven and Traci were distracting me from her and Thrills outing. So they got my ass high and kept me there as we decorated the house. In a couple of hours we are gonna bake cookies with the girls and decorate them. They just didn't know it yet.

"But then again that wouldn't be fair I suppose," her voice was soft.

It was getting hoarse. I bit my lip as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto her lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist and sighed.

"I'm glad it's almost Christmas," she mumbled.

"Me too," I said as I rubbed her head.

She let out a small groan as my fingers rubbed her scalp. I grabbed the blunt from her and placed it to my lips. I was about to cut her off and she didn't even know it. I smirked and grabbed the lighter off the floor that was sitting next to her. Her hands were slowly rubbing my back as I lit up the peace between my lips.

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