Snoring and Eavesdropping

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Dec 21,2016
Chapter 44

I licked my lips as I lotioned up by body and placed my bra and pair of black boy shorts on. I walked into the bedroom and saw Stormie walking out her closet.

"Do you need me to come in?" She asked.

I sighed. She supposed to be off and not thinking about work. I watched as she placed her hand on her waist as she walked over to her dresser. She was just in a pair of black boxers briefs.  It was holding everything just right. I bit my lip as I walked over to her and grabbed her phone. I watched as she looked at me with her eyebrow arched. I looked at the caller ID and I heard Ash cursing her out. I chuckled.

"Ash baby," I said.

"Milly! How are you girl?" She asked me.

I laughed and ran my eyes down the torso of her body as she placed a beater on her body followed by a black V-neck. I smirked as she pulled her shirt over the handprint I left on her back and the couple of bite marks I left on her shoulders and clavicle. Which I found out is Stormies favorite.

"I'm good. But don't call this phone Ashley. I'm turning it off," I said as I looked Stormie in her eyes.

She smirked and walked over to the bed. I bit my lip as I watched her ass. It was sitting up so high and tight and round. It didn't help that her legs are nicely defined so it made her ass look even better if that makes any sense.

"Good! She can't help herself. I'll talk to y'all later tho'. I'm bout to cuss out this bitch right quick ," she said.

"Later," I said as I hung up the phone.

I walked over to her side of the bed as I turned the phone off. I put the phone in the drawer of the nightstand and closed it. I climbed on top of her and rested my head on her chest.

"How long Major?" I asked her.

"I haven't slept in four days. Neither has Thrill. Also I'm sure everyone has successful fucked. So you got 6 hours," she said and laughed.

"Not funny. We gonna be up together," I said as my eyes got heavy.

"You think you gonna drain me and I'm finna be woke?" She asked me as her hand made its way to my ass.

"Rule 4: if I'm up you up," I said and giggled as I felt her chuckle.

"Go to sleep," she said.

"Love you baby," I mumbled.

"Love you too," She said lowly.

It didn't take long but we both were sleep. Well knocked out more like it.

I groaned as I shifted in Storms arms. Her grip was tight and hot. Her breathing was very steady and calm. She was exhausted. I snuggled in closer to her as I heard her groan and settle back into her sleep. I ignored the door opening and then shut and lock. Somehow we had ended up on our sides with me facing her huge ass window that didn't allow for any sunlight to come through unless she wanted it to. And that was rare.

"I swear Heaven is gonna die," I heard Thrill growl.

His voice is deep as shit when he first wake up. Sometimes I swear I forget this nigga is a man. It's not because he is gay, it's more so because he is childish as fuck. You just kind of look at his ass.

"Lay down Thrill," Stormie said as her chest vibrated against my back.

Her voice was deep and raspy. I don't think I've heard her sleeping voice in awhile and it was so nice. I bit my lip and cuddled more into her.

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