Stare Down

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Thanksgiving 2016

When I walked in Ms. Rose apartment London was running around in a pull up and they were having their  bonding moment. The truth is I'm so damn tired and irritated. I hate holidays. I much rather be someplace laying down waiting on a call and getting blazed out my mind. Sleep is never my friend.

But as soon as I walked into the open door London came running straight to me. She was happy to see me. We had a short conversation to why she was naked. She told me she was waiting on me to dress her like me. I chuckled and took her up stairs and got her dressed. Before I left I took her and Ra to the mall and let them pick out there clothes and toys for my crib. Mila was at work and I had the girls for the day.

"How did you get her dress?" Isaiah asked.

I smiled as we sat in the living room watching the game. Mila and her sisters had left to go finish dinner and me and her brothers were just talking. I looked at London who was cuddle up into my side watching the game like she knew what was going on and she probably did. I've been watching a lot of games with her and she likes them.

"I asked Ms. London what she wanted to wear and she told me she wanted to dress like me," I said.

"They seem to trust you," Jamal said.

"Yeah we got a little bond," I said as London started to groan.

The ball had got intercepted and the other team was making its way to the goal.

"Got damn!" Jamal said as this dude tackled the shit out of the guy.

London screamed and started clapping.

"So y'all gonna sit in here and watch the game while your little sister is running around some place naked?!" Ms. Abigail said as she came  busting through the door.

Me and the girls quickly snapped our heads in her direction. The woman looked panicked. She must know the strikes she got against her.

"Mother we have one rule we learned from Mia and Mila don't go out the front the door when it's open and don't take ride from strangers," Jamal said as he pointed to London who was now standing up and cheering at the guy who was about to score.

"Baby imma call the police," the bastard said as he walked into the living room.

"It's okay. London is here," she mumbled as she looked at London who was staring at the TV.

"London," she said as she slowly walked over to us.

I watched as London looked at her and then quickly at me. She started whining and trying to climb on my lap. I licked my lips and sat her on my lap as she cuddle into my body.

"Hey Rain. Can I have my baby? I wanna talk to her," she said.

I looked down at London. She looked at me and shook her head no.

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