Escape Route

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Chapter 67
Dec 22, 2016

I was in the bathroom that was attached to her office changing into my all black and going over the events that took place on the couch not even 40 minutes ago. I wanted more but we both knew that the wait would be worth it. Besides I don't want my sisters catching us. It was bad enough Chevron  had watched us last July. 

"What we about to get into?" I heard Ricki ask as I pulled up the black jeans up over my hips.

Traci ass had picked the lock to the office, but luckily we had just got done and had started to get ready for whatever else shenanigans that was instore for me. I already knew it was gonna be some shit since we were in all damn black. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into another damn mini war flashback. I was enjoying this. Just leaving in the moment, I feel like this is how life is suppose to go. Work hard, play hard, do something adventurous now and then. Just enjoy life to your best ability.

"We can go to the factory," Red said.

"The strip club?" Traci asked with her voice laced with excitement.

"No nigga! The factory," Thrill said.

I laughed as I placed the black hoodie on top of the black thermal shirt. It was oddly warm for December but it's been that way for awhile now. I smiled as I felt Raines arms slowly wrap around my waist and she pulled me closer.

"I hate them," she mumbled as she kissed my neck.

I laughed and looked at her through the mirror. Her lips moved slowly against my neck as she rocked us slowly side to side. We had fucked our high down. She was still relaxed and that's all that matter. She wasn't tense, so that in return took some of my anxiety away. Granted hers was worse than mines by miles.

"We gotta learn to deal with our little family," I said as I stared at our reflection in the mirror.

I watched as she pulled back from my neck. She turned me around and raised her eyebrow. She looked out the door and closed it, softly then locked it.

"Little? That's little ?" She asked me as she picked me up and sat me on the sink.

I smiled and nodded my head as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Times like this is what I was missing.

"You need to look up the term little because that's large," she said and smiled at me.

"It's not that big," I said as I smirked and bit down on my bottom lip.

"I mean you talking about 35 kids and shit. Plus them," I slapped her shoulder as we both laughed.

"Stop it! I only want like five or so," I said as I watch her eyes get  big and I laughed.

"We already got two. So that means only three," she said as she held up three fingers.

I smiled hard and blushed. She thought of London and Mayra as hers. That comment alone meant a lot to me, because of how much they have bonded and how quickly. I love watching them play and have these conversations with each other. You can tell how much they loved her. Sometimes I swear they love her more than me. But then again Rain is soft when it comes to them.

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