90. the harkness' family - tw, dw

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after the game station, jack didn't think he was ever going to see his daughter again. and then he did.

jack harkness x nathan harkness

john barrowman as jack harkness
eve myles as gwen cooper
gareth david-lloyd as ianto jones
raffey cassidy as kiara harkness
matthew gray gubler as nathan harkness

doctor who

(this is totally au. ianto is an alien with two hearts from the 49th century, has a daughter who was born half human but two hearts with lisa before she died in canary warf. ianto knows nathan, since they are from the same century and knew each other through trade and travel)
(nathan is timelord, retired technically, and kiara is half galifrayian. ianto is a race of humanoid beings, with blue spots on his left cheek, and certain parts of his body like thigh, hip, ribs and back of right hand.)

"Jack, there's an artron energy spike on the plass!" Gwen called, alerting him. Ianto and Jack were in his office, and both of them moved over to her workstation.

"Where?" Jack asked, grabbing his coat and pulling it on.

"Under the water tower." Gwen said after a moment. "Should be near the wall."

"Back in a moment." Jack disappeared out the hub, and the Ianto shrugged at the look Gwen gave him.

"As long as he doesn't bloody disappear again." Gwen grumbled, Ianto silently agreeing.

"At least this time we can go after him." Ianto reminded her.

Up on the plass, fifteen-year-old Kiara Harkness was sitting on the stone wall, kicking her legs back and forth. She was dressed oddly, wearing black knee high boots zipped at the back, a blood red robes lined in gold that came down to her feet and wrists with black tights and her long brown hair tied up in a high pony tail. Beside her, a tall skinny man with dirty blonde spiky hair and bright green eyes was pacing nervously across the ground, his own set of blood red robes lined with gold, long sleeves and it fell down to his feet.

"Papa, you need to calm down." Kiara laughed, her blue eyes bouncing with clear amusement.

"Quiet, Kiara." Nathan Harkness mumbled, biting his nails which was a clear sign of nervousness. "I haven't seen him in a long time, yeah? I'm aloud to be nervous."

"It's been a hundred and fifty years for daddy, remember?" Kiara pointed out, and Nathan let out a breath and slumped down onto the wall beside her.

"Ok." Nathan nodded. "You're right." Not even a second later, Kiara was gasping.

"Daddy!" Kiara shrieked in excitement, unable to stop herself from jumping off the wall and running, grabbing the skirt so she didn't trip. Jack Harkness didn't hesitate to bolt towards them as well, catching his daughter in his arms with an excited and relieved sob, spinning her around.

"My beautiful Kiara." Jack pulled back and looked at her, grinning wetly. "Oh my baby girl."

"I've missed you daddy." Kiara mumbled, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging tightly, refusing to let go.

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