44. angels and humans

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in which castiel and dean suggest a night in drinking with castiel's family and dean's family in the hope to mend old wounds and start new friendships


Dean was lining up what alcohol he had on the library table in the bunker. Sam was out picking up more alcohol, also getting more shot glasses. When Castiel had suggested this Dean had been more than suprised, since Cas had told them before that alcohol doesnt do anything for the angel but Cas had promised Gabriel was bringing the best stuff.

Gabriel was the last to arrive, with two bottles of something that was labled 'angels/demons only'.

"What is that?" Charlie asked Cas, nodding to the two bottles of clear liquid.

"It's uh, Vodka, cut with holy water, spashed with rose water." Cas told Charlie, watching in amusement as Gabriel poured the shots for the angels. "Dean knows just how strong this stuff is."

"Come on Cassie!" Gabriel shouted, a stupid grin plastered on his face as he motioned for the seraph to join the 6 angels. Cas made his way over to his siblings while Charlie went elsewhere. Sitting down, Cas was handed a shot glass with an enochian symbol on it and the angel rolled his eyes.

"Balthazar you know thats cheating." Cas told his brother who was knocking back shot after shot like it was water. Balthazar merely grinned at Cas while knocking back another shot. Castiel rolled his eyes, but all the angels watched in awe as he knocked back the row of shots easily.

"Dang Cassie." Anna said through fits of giggles. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"My best friend is Dean Winchester." Cas deadpanned, motioning over his shoulder to where Sam and Dean were in an intense game to see who could finish 7 shots the fastest.

"Mmm, those boys know how to drink." Lucifer agreed, still staring at Balthazar who still hadn't stopped drinking.

"Are you feeling it yet Balthy?" Lucifer asked incredelously, his face red trying to hold in the laughter building up in his chest.

"Pffffttt." Balthazar waved his hand in the air, waving them off. "I'm fine."

"Prove it." Michael taunted, and all the angels fell silent. The group of humans looked over at the group of angels, now curious as Balthazar smirks at his brother.

"Okay." He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, going to stand up only to fall off his chair. Everyone burst into laughter, the only acknowlegment that Balthazar was okay was a seriously drunken wave. Anna laughed so hard she fell off her chair, causing Lucifer and Hannah to laugh even harder while Castiel looked over at Sam and Dean who were calling him over. He got up, his vision only swaying slightly as he went over to the brothers.

"What on earth are you guys drinking to get an angel that drunk?" Dean asked in awe, motioning over to where Gabriel had finally gotten Balthazar upright and into his chair.

"Well, it started with Vodka, cut with holy water, laced with rose water." Dean let out a low whistle. "We've moved onto some of Lucifer's old whiskeys that have been left for like, 3000 years now though."

"Man, i mean vodka cut with holy water is strong stuff." Dean hit Sam's shoulder, grinning at his brother as a memory came back. "Do you remember that time i went drinking with those hunters and you had to drag me out of the bar, still drunk the next morning?"

"Mmm, yeah i remember that." Sam grins, sipping from his beer while smiling at Castiel and his brother. "Why don't you get your siblings over here and we can have a good old fashioned drinking compition."

"Sure." Castiel grinned, a rare sight to the winchester brothers. "Which game, because if its too competitive Balthazar will get too roudy but if its mellow Anna will start drinking heavily." The brothers exchanged a look before Sam looked at Cas.

"Dont worry."

20 minutes later, all of the angels plus Sam, Dean, Jo and Charlie were so drunk, chanting while Gabriel was doing a beer funnel with a litre bottle of vodka.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" They chanted as Gabriel chugged the alcohol like a pro, everyone cheering when he finished the bottle.

"Mmmm, refreshing." Gabriel joked, sitting back down beside Castiel who had removed his trench coat, suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. The others had all followed suit, stripping down into just t-shirts and jeans/suit trousers.

"I have never been so proud to call you my brother." Lucifer fake weaped, draping himself drunkenly across Gabriel's back. The trickster merely grinned in amusement, since all the angels knew how sentimental and clingy Lucifer could get during a sesh.

"Shots anyone?" Dean suggested, only a slight slurr in his tone which didn't surprise Castiel. He knew the Winchesters could hold their liquor.

"Cool," Castiel nodded them turned to Bathazar. "Do the snappy finger thingy." Castiel tried to explain, halfheartedly snapping his fingers in Bathazar's face and shooting a glare at Sam and Dean when they sniggered.

"Yeah what he said!" Anna nodded enthusiastically. Bathazar shrugged, obviously understanding and snapping his fingers. 14 shots appeared in the middle of the table that separated the humans from the angels. Everyone grabbed one.

"To friendship and new beginnings!" Anna exclaimed, holding her shot up.

"To friendship and new beginnings!" Everyone echoed, downing their shots.

To friendship and new beginnings indeed.

authors note

im not sure how this one turned out please let me know in the comments below


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