Would be Enough

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✧ Chapter 22 ✧
[ Would be Enough ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Warning: This chapter contains torture, mind blowing moments and swearing! ⚠️

"So are you willing to talk?"

Kaito glared at the person in front of him, right at the towering figure's magenta eyes. The voice sounded like it belonged to a young girl..

Kaito was sitting on a chair, his arms and legs held back by thick chains and shackles. Around his neck, was the same chain which had dragged him away from Hope's Peak. He was so wounded and tired, but he kept his head up.

"I'll never tell you what you want, you fucker." he muttered, as more blood trickled out of his mouth.

"I must say, you have a strong willpower." the person sighed, "It's a waste to kill you, out of all honesty. However, it gives me all the more reason to torture you."

Kaito clenched his fists, keeping his mouth shut. No matter how long he stayed in this stupid room, he was never going to confess. After all, he was doing this for Maki.

"Let me ask you again." the figure stepped forward, so Kaito could see who it was.

His eyes widened when he saw a... young girl, her hair was layered neatly and she had one hazel eye and the other was covered with metallic red paint. It was shaped like Monokuma's dark side, with the slash across it..

"Who are you in love with?"

The girl hit a button on the table in front of her and Kaito winced when a hundred needles pierced his skin. They seemed to have come from the armrests, stabbing under his arms.

"Shut up!" he yelled, grimacing as the pain shot up both his arms. He wasn't sure if he was talking to himself, or to the girl. But he was just so tired.

For the past few months, he's been in here, all he went through was hell. They fed him and gave him water. They kept him alive just like how a hospital should work. But this wasn't a normal hospital.

It was a hell, disguised as a safe place. Each day, people would walk past his room, peering in at him. He saw people, who were chained and people who were not.

Those who were not, were either the doctors of the 'hospital' or they were prisoners, devoid of memories. Some were driven to insanity while others welcomed the memory-loss, and gave in to despair.

Kaito wasn't sure what which was torture, seeing people completely giving up on each other or those who were willing to fight the serum.

However, the doctors couldn't kill him because he didn't want to confess who he had fallen in love with. It was all too fast. As if it were all staged. But his love for Maki wasn't staged, it was real.

He loved her the longer he was away from her. He held no grudge against her for rejecting him.

"Aren't you going to tell me?!" the girl demanded, slamming her fist on the button, nearly breaking it in her rage. Kaito looked at his hands, which were bleeding as he had dug his nails into his palms.

She wasn't going to leave him like this forever. He had to keep believing that someone would save him.

"Don't make me electrocute you, Kaito Momota!" the girl glared at him. He wondered how could someone who looked so fragile and weak have such a dark side.

"Why... are you doing this?" he muttered, hanging his head. He coughed, more blood spilling from his lips. The metallic taste was giving him nausea..

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