Desire to Remain

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✧ Chapter 34 ✧
[ Desire to Remain ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

"Seems like we have company.." Nagito muttered as Hajime leaned him against a wall. "Stay here, and don't move." the mismatched boy's eyes fixed on his grey-green ones.

Nagito let Hajime's hand slip out of his grip as the red eyed boy faced the rabbit. "Initiating defence mode!" Monomi cheered, raising the branch at him.

Hajime just stood in the path of the small figure, his hands by his sides. "Who's behind all of this, rabbit?" he asked coldly as the pink and white bunny twirled around in a circle.

"Can't say! Sorry!" she waved the stick in an arc over her head, "I'd love, love, love to tell you, but it seems we have a problem! You two are supposed to be in your separate rooms!"

"You better do as I say or you'll have to face the consequences!" the rabbit cheered, sounding happy despite the seriousness of the situation. "I'll give you guys thwree seconds! Three! Two! One!"

Before either Nagito or Hajime could react, there was a massive explosion. It shook the ground, and caused the ceiling to break away slightly, pieces of rocks and paint falling to the floor. Nagito coughed as Hajime flung out a hand to keep them steady. That rabbit didn't even give them time to run. Jeez.

"What?" Monomi tilted her head as the dust cleared, "It seems like you didn't listen! It's punishment time!"

"Komaeda!" Hajime pushed him out of the way as knives shot towards the two, embedding themselves into the wall. "Bad children should stay in bed!" Monomi called as Hajime carried Komaeda once more. "Come back!"

"That rabbit.. it sounds like it's working with Monokuma.." Nagito looked at Hajime, who was keeping his eyes focused ahead.

"That's Monomi.." the other student replied, "I remember now. She was our original principal before Monokuma came along.. I didn't know she was bad."

"Let's focus on one thing at a time, Hinata-kun," Nagito whispered as they heard more footsteps behind them. "Isn't there anywhere we can hide?"

Without answering him, Hajime suddenly veered to the left, just in time for a knife to hurl towards them. "To get back up, we have to take the stairs up to the ground level. Since this is the Quarantine level... we're underground."

"This isn't a hospital.. it's a maze.. full of insane people." Nagito mumbled as Hajime ran into a room, stopping short when he realised that it was a dead end. The two teenagers stared at the wall for a moment, all they could hear were their unsteady breaths and Monomi's shouting.

"Komaeda," Hinata suddenly, but gently, set him on the ground, looking at him in the eyes, "Whatever you do, don't leave this room."

"What? Hinata-kun.. what do you mean? Where do you think you're going?" he grabbed onto Hajime's shirt. "You're not leaving me to do something... insane. Are you?"

Hajime closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss Nagito's forehead, "I'll leave the insanity parts to you, Komaeda.. just trust me." when he opened his eyes, Nagito could see that both of his irises were blood red, "Okay?"

There was a loud thud, followed by another explosion, making the two flinch. "Stay here and don't move," Hajime stood up, "I'll be back."

Nagito tried to pick himself up, but his feet were stinging with pain. He looked at the soles of his bare feet, surprised to see that they had tiny bits of glass embedded in them. Great. Just his luck. Surprisingly though, they didn't seem to hurt very much.

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