They Call it "Fallen in Love"

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✧ Chapter 29 ✧
[ They Call it "Fallen in Love" ]
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Kokichi crumpled the paper again, tossing it in the corner of his new dorm room. The paper landed on the floor, amongst the many failed attempts.

"What's wrong, Ouma?" Keebo asked, trying his best to fit his fingers into a pair of black gloves. "Are you writing something again?"

"No, I just feel like crumpling pieces of paper up and throwing them away for the fun of it, Keeboy." he replied sarcastically. But the sarcasm was lost on the other boy, who looked visibly confused.

"But isn't that wasting paper and destroying trees?" the scientist asked, placing a pair of goggles on his head and sitting on a chair. It seemed like the guy was going to work on some new project of his. A weirdo as usual.

Kokichi didn't bother to explain what he really meant to Keebo. So the purple haired boy turned his attention back to the blank piece of paper in front of him.

Kaede gave him this particular clipboard, to stop him from drawing all over the place. It was a simple pink clipboard, with tiny black cats decorated across the sides. Kokichi didn't want to admit it, but he actually appreciated the gift from the insane piano-obsessed girl.

He held up the board, thinking about what to really write on it. He was actually feeling hungry.. however, he also wanted to focus on his task at hand. He wanted to finally confess to his beloved Saihara-chan.

But how could he confess in a place like this? It was like asking Himiko to give up chocolate cake for a week. Next to impossible.

Kokichi wanted to find out who these traitors were. Where the people in the hospital went. Stop the whole so called Disease. And make Love legal again. But how?

If talking can't work, he remembered his old friends telling him as they roamed the streets, playing harmless pranks, trickery might! After all, you're the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Use your skills to your advantage, Leader!

Trickery? But what type? His love for Shuichi was genuine, that, he could admit. Perhaps he should try to trick the system instead. And sacrifice everything along the way.

But first. Kokichi looked at Keebo, who was fixing his broken laptop which was sitting beside numerous malfunctioned gadgets.

Keebo seemed to have forgotten what had happened in the hospital. From what he had relayed to Kokichi, all the white haired boy remembered was blinding lights, and as he described it, a deep endless sleep.

Kokichi rolled over on the bed, hanging off and placing his clipboard on the ground. "Hey Keeboy, I'm hungry."

There was a pause as the other seemed to be in deep in thought, focusing on his work.

"And-?" the other boy replied, sounding mildly concerned as he connected wires and metal together, emitting sparks from the device. "What do you need me to do?"

"Can we go to the cafeteria to get some food? I'm bored. And hungry. And energetic. And-."

"Fine.." the blue eyed student heaved a sigh, carefully coiling a long piece of copper wire, "The sooner I bring you to the cafeteria, the sooner you'll quiet down."

Kokichi grinned, before rolling over once more and landing on the floor with a loud thump. Keebo winced, "Ouma.. do you really do that all the time?"

"Why, how do you know?" Kokichi picked himself up, totally unfazed by his actions. He dusted his clothes, not looking at the other.

"Because if someone accidentally fell off the bed- ah nevermind.." the scientist sighed, "Let's just go."

"A wise choice." Kokichi grinned, slipping out of the room and heading to the main building. Along the way, the two boys passed by other students, who gave the two weird looks of mixed emotions. Mostly disgust, because of Keebo's love for Iruma.

Speaking of, the blonde haired inventor was nowhere to be seen... and she hadn't appeared with Keebo when he came back. "Hey Keeboy." Kokichi looked at the blue eyed boy, who was playing with a small fidget cube he had built a minute ago.

"You don't remember Miu Iruma, do you?" he asked curiously tilting his head. "Who's that? Another person I forgot?" the latter replied somewhat confused.

"You don't answer a question with another question, dumb dumb," Kokichi huffed, looking down at the clipboard he was still holding. "But to answer your question, yes. Miu Iruma, also know as bitchy pig face. She was a classmate of ours."

Keebo looked slightly uncomfortable by the use of Kokichi's language. "But Kokichi... am I supposed to remember her?"

Kokichi grinned, "Nee-heehee. Maybe..?" he looked away from his friend, gripping his clipboard. Miu was probably dead, since she had not returned from the hospital.

Maybe her affection for Keebo was stronger than his, and in the end, the doctors had to shut the girl up by killing her. Meh, Kokichi thought with a hint of pity, the dumb blonde always didn't know when to shut up.

"Here we are!" Kokichi heard Keebo announce, gesturing to the small blue cafeteria building with a sweep of his hand. Since it was nearly six in the evening, there were some students milling around the outside of the building.

"Hmmm.. what if I said I wasn't hungry anymore, Keeboy?" The Supreme Leader smiled slyly, just watching the students entering the building for their dinner.

"No- are you lying?" Keebo frowned, facing the liar who had stopped in his tracks as well. "Hmm yep! I'm actually hungry now that I think about it." the purple haired boy smirked and skipped through the double doors.

He used to do that to the old Keebo all the time, so it was honestly funny when Keebo naively answered him. The supreme leader's eyes swept across the room, suddenly fixed on a group of people he could easily recognise.

"Come on Keeboy! I know where to sit!" Ouma smiled cheerfully, passing by rows of tables and other students. He purposely avoided the table where Akane and Nekomaru were at, and of course, dodged a bowl of rice Leon had thrown at him.

"Why are you so happy, Ouma?" Keebo asked as the purple haired trickster continued making his way to a particular table. He didn't answer his friend, but instead, he was already planning his whole 'Project Get-Together-with-Saihara-Chan'. (A work in progress)

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[ Table in the Corner ]

Shuichi was having some bread, since he wasn't feeling very hungry. With some slices of toast and a open jar of grape jelly, he was slightly optimistic. Kaede was sitting in front of him, occasionally using her cutleries to hit her glass of water to make music. He was just watching her play her version of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' when someone jolted against their table.

"Hey! What gives?" Kaede looked at the person, who turned out to be Kokichi and Keebo. "Sorry Ka-aye-daye." the purple haired boy grinned, "I was just wondering if Saihara-chan is interested in one more game."

"One more game?" Shuichi repeated, "Ouma, the last time we played a game, you got hung from the ceiling by a mysterious person wearing a Monokuma hoodie."

"Don't remind me!" Kokichi looked upset, pouting slightly, "It was the most traumatic thing ever!" Shuichi saw that the purple haired boy really seemed to have been scarred by the experience.

"Anyway," the purple haired student rubbed his nose, "I just came here because of a game.. any suggestions?"

Kokichi looked at the utensils on the cafeteria table as he saw Kaede and Shuichi exchange a look of confusion. This was another one of his plans to test Shuichi's trust after all. If the detective truly trusted him...

The next part of his plan would set in motion. Kokichi spied what he was looking for and scooped it up, "Thank you!" he sang as Kaede flinched slightly. "What- Ouma, what are you doing with that knife? Put it down-."

"Oh, I'll put it down," he twirled the knife around, making the three students lean away from him, "I'm pretty sure you guys have heard of the Knife Game.. right?"

"What does-?" Kaede was about to say when the purple haired student stabbed the sharp edge of the knife right into a loaf of bread. "Soooo?" Kokichi smiled widely, "Let's play this final  game."

♥ End of Chapter Twenty-Nine ♥

❀ The Disease Called Love [Oumasai/Saiouma] ❀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora