I'm Feeling Like I Can't Breathe

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✧ Chapter 67 ✧
[ I'm Feeling Like I Can't Breathe ]
▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃
[ Shuichi's PoV ]


Typical alarm clock ring..

I'm just going to let it drone on and on till someone else stops it for me. Because there's no way I'm getting out of bed. I found myself slowly drifting back to sleep, dreaming in darkness. The ringing eventually tuned out to fade into the background.

"Shuichi!" a woman's voice called out, but I didn't move. If I pretended to be asleep, maybe she'll go away. However, if my mom heard that alarm, there's no escaping from the first day of school..

"Come on, get up, you're going to be late!"

Once again, typical 'first day of school' sentence. I decided to ignore both her and the alarm, wanting to go back to my dream.

"Wake up!" the blanket around me was pulled away and I sighed, my eyes still closed. The alarm stopped with a hit of my hand on its flat button, but I continued to stay still, nearly falling back to sleep in the process but I managed to mumble a few words.

"Mom.. must you really do that? It's freezing.."

"Then hurry up and get up Shu, it's boarding school for heaven's sake! You don't want to be late! And besides, guess who's waiting for you?"

I opened an eye, instantly regretting it when the sun shone directly into my face as soon as my mother drew the curtains. I groaned at her, using my arm to block the light out, "I don't know. I don't care if the prime minister of Japan is waiting for me, I'm not getting out of bed."

She then hit me with a pillow, making me finally get up and sleepily head over to the bathroom to get ready for school. "Very funny, it's Kaito! He's been waiting since 7:00."

"Just like everyday." I called, changing into my Hope's Peak uniform. 'Uniform' meaning any clothes we wanted.

I heard my mom sigh loudly as soon as I exited the bathroom, her eyes looking at me up and down. "Every time you wear that, you remind me of your work-obsessed uncle."

"Detective in training, mom.. Hope's Peak accepted me because of that." I explained to her for the fifth time. The letter from the principal themselves was tacked on the refrigerator with a smiley faced magnet; though that felt like an exaggeration. I was anything but happy this morning.

"Just don't find corpses during your whole stay in that school, alright? I don't think I can handle the stress." she teased, before suddenly pausing, "Aren't you going to wear your hat? You never liked looking at people."

Sometimes, my mother can be quite blunt but there were also times which made me question how well she knew me. With my father in his own world half the time, she made sure to fuss over me as much as she could. Though sometimes it could be a bit overwhelming to the point where I wanted to move out to stay with my uncle. She was a great mother, no doubt about that, but way too overprotective.

And I realised I didn't answer her question.

My hand hovered over the cap which was sitting on my bedside table. It was a simple black cap, and sure, it's threads were coming loose here and there but it held a special significance to me..

I moved my hand away from the cap and sighed, "I don't think I'll be needing it today mom, thanks.."

"But your uncle gave that to you."

I wished she didn't have to say that, but I still managed a small smile in her direction, watching her fluff a pillow.

"I know, but can't I have a little bit of change?"

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