Everyday, Hopes to Survive

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✧ Chapter 33 ✧
[ Everyday, Hopes to Survive ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

[ Three years ago ]

Nagito threw the door of the staircase open, turning around just in time to see a part of the ceiling fall away. With a loud crash, it blocked the door he had just exited from, barricading himself from the people chasing after him. His heart beat wildly as he leaned against the wall.

Find Hinata-kun.

That was all he needed to do. It sounded like a simple task, but it was impossible in this labyrinth of hallways. A sharp pain shot up his leg, nearly making him stumble. He then realised that his right foot was bleeding, leaving a trail of pink blood on the floor. There were so many things happening at once, it was confusing.

He looked up when he heard shouting and furious yelling on the other side of the wall. He needed to get rid of the evidence and maybe cut the wires which were connecting his head to his heart. Literally.

On the left side of his head, near his temple, were a series of grey and silver wires. It trailed down to connect directly over the place where his heart was. Komaeda wasn't sure why that was needed, but everything seemed to have a reason. His arms and legs were covered with small welts, as if he had been stung by insects.

But of course, it was done by those mad scientists. The people who insisted that everything was for the sake of getting rid of love. He needed Hinata to get out of this..

He was his hope. His love. And there was no way he was leaving the hospital without him. Nagito slowly unclenched his fist, gazing down at the fragments of glass resting on his palm.

A blue glass necklace, one which Hinata gave him when they started dating a few weeks after they met. Love at first sight, as people would say. Nagito took a shaky breath, analysing what he needed to do. Find Hinata. Get out alive. He reminded himself again.

Carefully trying not to catch the wires against anything, Nagito held the railing and descended down the staircase, the chain around his neck rattling against the floor. Each step felt like torture... but he needed to keep going. He recalled faintly that the doctors were keeping Hinata in a room called the Quarantine...

"Separate the experiment to the Quarantine. This one," the doctor nudged Nagito with the side of his shoe, making the white haired boy glare at him, "Let him stay here. If he objects, kill him."

His memory was so fuzzy.. so confusing. So messy, that it felt as if he had spent the last few years in a coma. But in reality, it had merely been a few days in the hospital, after they were brought in by Monokuma.

He stopped, seeing a blue sign on the wall which read, 'Quarantine'. This was where he needed to go.

The white haired teenager leaned against the wall, taking shallow breaths as he wrapped an arm around his stomach. When was the last time had he eaten? Hours? Days? Whatever it was, he was starving.

Behind him, he could hear shouting and more people calling for him. It was probably due to his luck that he had managed to escape from that room unharmed. So far, it has been keeping him alive.. which was a good thing and a bad thing.

"If my luck is good for now..." he muttered as he used the wall to support himself, "Something bad is going to happen.. just don't.. let it happen to Hinata."

Thankfully, the hallways seemed to be deserted. There was a eerie silence in the air, and the use of the red lights overhead did not help the situation. Nagito felt as if he had just stepped into a scene of a horror movie.. he should know, since him and Hinata had watched a lot of those back in the Academy.

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