All the Pain it's Been Through

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✧ Chapter 50 ✧
[ All the Pain it's Been Through ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

Keebo sat in front of me, his fingers laced together as I covered my face. It was nearly eight in the evening, but I didn't feel hungry or tired at all. In fact, I was still shocked. There was a sound of a clock ticking away on the desk, and Keebo's faint humming. He seemed nonchalant as I felt my heart hammering against my chest.

Finding news as major as this wasn't ordinary.. after all. This felt life changing and.. strangely weird. Finding out you're gay without knowing? Now that's complete bullshit! But I couldn't help but kinda believe it.

"Ouma, you've been sitting like that for the past hour," Keebo started to say once again as I refused to look up at him.

"I'm gay."

Keebo scratched the back of his neck, "Um.. yes. That's the correct term for it. From what I remember, you used to tell me what a 'big gay' you are. I didn't know if you were just very happy, or you liked guys."

"I like guys." I repeated in a hoarse tone, "Wow. Actually," I pulled out the piece of paper with Shuichi's photograph in. "If this sushi guy really exists, I must have good taste!" I could slowly feel myself relax the more I repeated that sentence, "I'm super duper gay."

Keebo sighed, looking to the window as if he found this conversation boring. How insulting but still! "His name is Shuichi Saihara. He's the Ultimate Detective.. he's probably still... at the Hospital. I don't know the full details because.. I was asleep when the Monokuma alarm sounded."

"You're a bad friend," I told Keebo, who winced slightly by my comment as if my words physically hurt him. The blue eyed boy looked at the walls, avoiding my gaze.

"Jusssst kidding!" I sang, waving the photograph around the room, "If you hadn't shown me this hottie, I never would've found out I fell for him." 

"Shhh!" Keebo suddenly turned back to me, looking as if I were kidding, "Ouma, seriously, you have to keep your volume down. You don't want to get arrested-."

"Psh, what for?" I held out the book Past Ouma had written, flipping through its pages and my hair waving from the small gust of wind it made. "They can't arrest me. I never showed any affection to this detective person whatsoever. I don't even know him."

Keebo suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders, making my heart jump, "Don't say that!" he demanded, his blue eyes worried, "Shuichi was your boyfriend! Aren't you going to save him from the hospital?"

I pulled away, losing all my enthusiasm, "Jeez, Keeboy, you're so annoying. Why should I save someone I don't even know? I don't care about whatever you said."

There was a pause as Keebo seemed to process my words. He looked like he didn't want to believe me. Which is fine, really. I don't care if he believes a liar like me.

"Please tell me that was a lie," Keebo sounded desperate, "Tell me you remember Saihara."

I scoffed, waving my hand absentmindedly, "Nope, I don't remember him at all. And that's not a lie!"

The other boy narrowed his eyes slightly as if he were thinking. "Then it looks like I have to show you," he announced all of a sudden, standing up and grabbing a few things such as wires and what seemed to be a cable, connected to a machine.

Without even waiting, he turned and pressed something against my neck. "What the heck are you doing?" I demanded as Keebo wordlessly flicked a lever; making a red button light up on the machine. I started to reach up and pull the wire off but was stopped by his glare.

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