They Don't Know

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✧ Chapter 15 ✧
[ They Don't Know ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Shuichi turned his attention back to the papers in front of him, trying not to focus too much on Kokichi's words.

What was he even supposed to be looking out for? A mark on the picture? An object? Something completely out of the ordinary?

His eyes skimmed along the heads of the students, who were all facing Kaito as he was dragged away. Shuichi couldn't focus, since his eyes kept darting to Kaito's determined face.

Come on, Saihara, focus! he told himself, scanning the faces of the students for the fifth time.

"Oh, don't be so discouraged, Saihara-chan." he heard Kokichi giggle in front of him, "This clue made me stare at the photo for hours and hours, just because I couldn't find that one person."

Shuichi's eyes widened, catching Kokichi's words. "One person?" he looked up at the purple haired boy, who smiled knowingly.

"You heard me."

Shuichi narrowed his eyes, looking at the crowd of students again. One person.. almost every student looked identical. They were just the students of Hope's Peak.. normal, talented individuals who he didn't spend enough time with.

He saw the shocked face of Hifumi Yamada, the scowl on Hiyoko Saionji's face. Even Kaede's expression was full of hurt as she watched the scene.

Shuichi gripped the paper a little tighter, clenching his teeth as he thought about Kaito. He didn't deserve to get dragged away-

Shuichi's eyes suddenly caught sight of a student, whose body was facing away from the camera.

While everyone wore a brown uniform, the figure was wearing a black hoodie. The hood was covering the person's hair and face, obscuring his features. He was so well hidden within the crowd, that he had blended in. So dark, that he had hidden among the shadows.


"Based on your silence and the way you're staring at the picture, I'm pretty sure you found him." Kokichi spoke up, sounding triumphant. "Well done."

"Who.. is that?" Shuichi asked, confused as he continued to stare at the hooded figure.

"Oh, I dunno, honest!" Shuichi looked at Kokichi at that, unsure if he should believing the lying guy, "But from the stance, and the build.. I'm guessing it's a human."

"Very funny." Shuichi muttered.

He returned his gaze back to the newspaper, looking at the figure and just staring at him. He seemed somewhat familiar.. like he's seen him somewhere before.

"Oh, and here.." Kokichi leaned forward and pointed to the Keebo and Miu article. "He's somewhere in here too."

Shuichi immediately put down the Kaito newspaper he was holding and picked up the recent one.

Quickly, he scanned the paper, and almost immediately, spotted the same figure. He knew who he was looking for, so he was faster.

Black hoodie, the reflection of his thin, wire framed glasses shining over his eyes. Everything about the student seemed like he wasn't even normal.

No one he had ever heard of before.

"Any idea who this is?" Shuichi asked the other boy, who shook his head. He and Kokichi sat opposite each other, the other boy relaxing against the back of his chair.

Shuichi found himself looking at the purple haired boy, who was closing his eyes. His hair was waving a little, due to the air blowing from the air conditioner overhead. The bruise on his cheek matched the same shade as his hair.

With a grey bandanna around his neck and his usual school uniform, Kokichi looked normal. Except, of course, the mismatched green and blue socks this time.

"Hey, Ouma.." Shuichi found himself saying.

"Heh.. I was wondering when you'd finally stop staring at me and talk, Saihara-chan." Kokichi opened his dark purple eyes, giving him with a small smirk.

"I.. wasn't staring at you!" Shuichi felt his face grow warm, looking away before gathering all the papers, trying to get his mind off things.

"You're a terrible liar. And that's stupid." Kokichi replied, "Anyway.. it's almost six. I'm gonna go now."

He held out a hand, "Papers, please."

"Oh.." Shuichi used the table's surface to align the papers into a neat stack before handing it to Kokichi.

Their fingertips touched, making Shuichi immediately draw his hand back, and Kokichi just smiling pleasantly. "See you around Saihara-chan." he said in a quiet voice and zipped up his bag with an air of finality.

"Y-Yeah.. see you, Ouma.." he didn't return the smile as Kokichi headed to the door.

"And by the way," the other boy stopped in his tracks, his hand holding his backpack behind his shoulder. "You lost today's game. If I didn't give you that clue, you would've won."

"Alright alright.." Shuichi sighed, "You don't have to empathise. I'll get you your Panta tomorrow.."

Kokichi smirked, "As promised."

And finally, the door closed behind the small figure, who headed for the stairs to go to the ground level.


Shuichi looked at his hand, the place where he and Kokichi's fingertips had touched. He closed his hand, making a fist and glancing at the seat where Kokichi had sat.


Shuichi flinched when he heard someone call his name. He turned and saw the gentle face of Rantaro, who was holding a stack of books. Everything about Amami was just so perfect, it made Shuichi feel strange.

"What's up?" the green haired boy asked with a small smile. Shuichi felt his heart skip a beat at the gesture.

"Oh.. sorry, I was just hanging out with Ouma.. he's as demanding as always." Shuichi admitted with a laugh.

Rantaro smiled a little wider at that, reaching up and pushing back a strand of his own hair. Even that small movement was enough to make Shuichi want to just confess his sudden love for him- Uh. No, he couldn't do that. Damnit. There he was... falling head over heels for someone way too easily again.

"You should be careful, Saihara." Rantaro placed a hand on Shuichi's shoulder. For a moment, Shuichi thought that Amami had read his mind somehow.

Rantaro looked at him right in the eyes, "Ouma could be dangerous... and he could hurt you."


Shuichi nodded, breaking the eye contact and nervously pulling at the hem of his school shirt. "I know... and it's fine, Amami. I know how to take care of myself."

Rantaro nodded, letting his hand drop to his side and giving Shuichi a wide smile, "Alright then.. you should take care of yourself. Maybe we can hang out together some day, right?"

Shuichi felt his heart beat wildly.

Rantaro Amami. The most gorgeous guy in the school, actually wanted to hang out with him?!

"Y-Yeah.." Shuichi blushed, making Rantaro laugh and pet Shuichi's head.

"You're kinda cute, Saihara.. but unfortunately, I have to go now.. sorry.." he pointed to the bookshelves behind him, "I gotta complete some Geography homework after all."

"Oh.. right." Shuichi stammered, "Uh.. bye then." he said too quickly to be normal before walking off, clutching his books.


Shuichi glanced at his face in the reflections of the glass door. He was so red... it was embarrassing. Of course he'd immediately fall for Amami..

The guy was just too charming for his own good.

♥ End of Chapter Fifteen ♥

❀ The Disease Called Love [Oumasai/Saiouma] ❀Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin