That No Amount of Medicine

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✧ Chapter 21 ✧
[ That No Amount of Medicine ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Peko threw a silver dagger at the person, trying to hit him. But of course, she missed, since they were moving fast and headed towards the back of the school. "Tsk-."

The swordswoman readied her dagger — she hated using daggers, they were so troublesome — keeping her hand on her bamboo sword and leaping in the air. With a swing of her arm, she threw her last dagger at the person. When she rolled to the ground and easily unsheathed her sword, the figure was pinned to a tree.

"Who are you?" she asked quietly, pointing her weapon at the guy, who was keeping his head low. He had the sleeve of his black hoodie pinned to the bark of the tree and a rather small smile on his face.

"Shouldn't you be asking more serious questions right now?" the male asked, looking up at Peko, the reflection of his wire framed glasses hiding the colour of his eyes.

"If there's a stranger on the school grounds, it's only right that I stop you. After all, you're not allowed in here."

"Wise words, Pekoyama." the person nodded, making her clench her teeth. How did he know her name?

"However," the figure finally tilted his head so she could see his blood red eye from behind the reflection of his glasses, "Words can't save you from what's going to happen next."

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to tell Monokuma about this?" she threatened.

"Oh.. you'll find out soon enough, Pekoyama. You won't know it till it hits you."

The swordswoman heard a loud movement from behind her so she turned, side stepping just in time for another person to grab at her.

Wait- he wasn't aiming for her.

The new figure passed her, their eyes meeting. She froze in place, watching as he stepped forward and grabbed the knife which was pinning the first guy to the tree.

Turning around, as if in slow motion, he threw the dagger straight towards her. In any normal circumstances, she would've moved but she was paralysed by some unknown force.

Peko collapsed to one knee, the dagger piercing her leg. She looked up, her hand clenching the weapon's hilt. The new person, noticeably shorter than the first, helped the one pinned to the tree. Both were wearing black hoodies, but the only different between them were their eyes and height.

They regarded her for a moment.

"Shouldn't we help her?" the red eyed person who she had pinned to the tree asked, with a tone of worry.

His partner shook his head before holding the first's wrist and dashing off. She watched as they ran towards the chain linked fence, which she knew was meant for keeping the students of Hope's Peak within the campus.

They scaled it without hesitation and dropped to the other side, running away till Peko lost sight of them. They must've been sneaking into the school very often if they could scale the fence so easily.

The red eyed girl looked down at her injury and grasped the hilt of the dagger tightly. She pulled it out and threw it onto the ground, the grass parting around it. The wound wasn't very deep, but it was bleeding a lot.


She flinched when she heard that familiar voice. Looking up, she saw Fuyuhiko and Maki, running towards her.

"What happened-? Are you injured?" the blond haired boy asked worriedly as Maki looked around, her eyes analysing the scene.

"I'm fine. I just need to get to the nurse's office and bind up my leg." Peko replied, "There's no need for you to worry about me, Master."

Fuyuhiko shook his head, "I've told you so many times to stop calling me that. You're so stubborn." Peko managed a small smile, despite the pain in her leg.

"There's no cameras here." Maki announced, "Or rather.." she pointed up at the fence, where there was a broken camera. There was an arrow embedded in it, along with a couple of wires hanging from it with pieces of glass.

"What are you trying to imply-?" Fuyuhiko asked, raising an eyebrow at Maki, who didn't turn around. Peko recalled the conversations she'd had with the girl, and realised that this was the chance she's been waiting for.

After confirming that the camera was indeed broken... Peko looked at her childhood friend. The one who's been with her, her entire life. The only person who managed to understand her and of course, stick by her no matter what.

"I've..." she took a deep breath, "I've had a crush on you, Fuyuhiko." Peko whispered to him, "But I'm merely a tool. Aren't I?" she sighed, "What am I saying.. we're not even allowed to-."

She stopped mid-sentence when Fuyuhiko just stared at her, a look f shock on his face. "You.." he whispered. Peko started to feel her face burn. She hated embarrassing herself. Why did she have to just blurt that all of a sudden? It was so unlike her!

However, just as she was about to disregard anything, her best friend took her hand and gave her a kiss on the lips. For a heart-stopping second, she was worried that Monokuma might've caught them, but she soon relaxed and returned the kiss.

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[ Near the Fence ] // [ Maki's PoV ]

Maki stared out at the brown, withering fields beyond the gate. Purposely avoiding the couple behind her, who were talking with low voices.

She was glad Peko had finally confessed to her childhood friend, but something tugged at her own heart. She felt guilty about Kaito. Shuichi wasn't the only one who missed the guy. In fact..

Maki frowned, reaching out and peeling back a bit of the metal fence. There was a huge hole there, perfect for anyone to sneak in and out.

Since the camera was broken by that arrow, this part of the fence was good for escaping to the outside. To the hospital, where she knew was located at one of the other islands.

If she didn't receive any news from Mukuro soon, she was going to get inside the prison and save Kaito herself.

She was positive the girl would let her in, seeing that they were childhood friends. Maki always knew that the Ultimate Soldier has a good heart. After all, the poor girl was always bullied by her younger sister, but Maki was the one who taught her to stand strong.

It was a shame when Mukuro was taken away.. Maki clenched her teeth. First Mukuro, then Kaito. She's lost people she actually cared about.

Time only made things worse for her, since as time passed, she realised how much she actually liked the stupid, purple haired, space-obsessed guy.


She sighed, turning around to see that Fuyuhiko was helping Peko to stand. That injury was pretty bad. Or rather, he was struggling a little due to his height, but she chose not to bring it up.

"Let's go, you daydreamer." the blond haired boy grinned, a rare occurrence. He must've been really happy about his and Peko's forbidden kiss.

Well, if Monokuma wasn't watching, no one was going to get caught.

Maki walked over to the other side of Peko and helped her along. Thank goodness she could actually tolerate it when people touched her. Back in the orphanage... she hated physical contact and attacked anyone who dared to approach. No, she couldn't think about that now. Maybe she could confide in Kaito, if she ever saw him, that is.

Maki reached into her pocket and held the crumpled piece of paper she had found, which was pinned to a nearby tree. It was Kaito's smiling face, with a simple line of black text at the bottom with read:


♥ End of Chapter Twenty-One ♥


Clue for this chapter:
[ "People can change all the time, yknow?" ]

(XD should I really start putting up clues? and btw, sorry for that error in the last chapter! I was talking about Ouma, looking up at the person wearing the monokuma hoodie. The person (aka, traitor, doesn't have purple hair) *wink wink*)

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