Though They've "Fallen in Love"

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✧ Chapter 31 ✧
[ Though They've "Fallen in Love" ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

He gasped as the table slid aside, plates and utensils falling to the floor with a loud crash At the sound, the students went quiet.. Shuichi quickly looked up and he saw Maizono and Celestia standing there. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" the blue haired girl exclaimed, a hand to her mouth.

Shuichi wasn't sure what she was apologising for, but he heard Keebo's loud voice beside him. "Ouma.. Ouma! Are you alright?!"

Celestia just smiled slightly when Shuichi turned to see Kokichi's shocked expression and a knife dripping with blood. Kokichi held his hand close to his chest, his shirt stained with the same liquid.

"You did that on purpose!" Kaede exclaimed to laughing Ultimate Gambler and Ultimate Pop Idol. Shuichi immediately scrambled over to the purple haired boy. "Kokichi! Say something! Where did you hurt yourself?" he demanded.

"What?" Celestia asked, a fake smile on her face, "Of course we didn't do that on purpose, Akamatsu. It's just that you were so ugly, Maizono tripped over and knocked into the table!" she gave an airy laugh.

"T-Take that back!" Kaede snapped, losing her temper as Keebo held out a hand to stop the girl from attacking the two laughing ones. "Don't get into this fight, Kaede. They're not worth it."

Shuichi grabbed Kokichi's arm, trying to see the injury but to his surprise, Ouma seemed to be... laughing? Or just laughing from the pain. That's it, right? Because there was no way he was laughing while sustaining such an injury.

"If this was all I had to do to get your attention," the purple haired boy said in between laughs, "I should've done his sooner! You're a funny, challenging guy, Saihara-chan."

Shuichi turned Ouma's bloody hand, wincing slightly at the deep cut on his finger. Thankfully, he didn't seem to have chopped it off fully, but it really was so deep. The detective knew that he had to bring the laughing student to the medical room as soon as possible.

"Follow me, quickly," Shuichi told the boy, who was smiling despite his injury. "Alright.. thank you, Saihara-chan!" he beamed as Kokichi looked at his finger, which was practically blood-soaked by now.

Shuichi wordlessly held the bloodstained sleeve of Kokichi's white shirt and led him to the office. Behind him, he could hear Kaede arguing with Celestia and Maizono, who were laughing. Hopefully, they would be okay without him.

Did those two girls hit the table on purpose just for Kokichi's hand to slip? If so... he cast a look at the smaller purple haired student, who had his eyes fixed to the ground. How could he be hiding his feelings so well? If Shuichi were in his shoes... he'd be well, crying. Mainly because he's such a weakling.

"Hey," Shuichi told his classmate, "You okay?"

Kokichi just cast him a brilliant smile, "But of course! Why shouldn't I be?" there was no doubt about it. He was in pain, but apparently chose not to show it.

"You don't have to act so brave around me, Ouma."

"I- Huh? I'm not acting!" Kokichi grinned wider, as if he found the whole prospect hilarious, "I've never had such an injury before. I cant believe you're actually concerned for me!"

Shuichi looked at the signs above the doors, pretending he didn't know the way to the medical room. But of course he did.

What was that strange feeling in his chest when he saw Kokichi getting injured? The blue haired boy stubbornly brushed it off as shock... but it was suspiciously becoming something else he didn't want to acknowledge.

❀ The Disease Called Love [Oumasai/Saiouma] ❀Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant