The Plague That I Have Caught

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✧ Chapter 72 ✧
[ C4: The Plague That I Have Caught ]
▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

The room was unusually bright. Great. Maybe Keebo had forgotten to turn the lights off again.

A low rumble nearby made me sigh. That was probably his stomach. But then again, he had told me that now he was half-robot he didn't have to go hungry very often so it couldn't be him.. right?

I opened my eyes to be greeted by darkened sky with heavy grey clouds scattered around. The once slightly cloudy dark blue sky was now a shade of deep indigo, fading to a lighter shade as it neared the horizon. The air was perfumed with the scent of a promising storm.

I moved my left arm, realising that something warm was pressed against it. I had somehow fallen asleep, my head resting on Saihara's chest. It seemed like the slow rhythm of breathing was what had lulled me to sleep in the first place.

I sat up, hastily smoothing down my hair and staring at the boy lying on the ground. His beautiful gold eyes were still closed, despite the sun's weak rays beaming down upon us. How did we fall asleep in such a short time? The last thing I could remember was holding his hand, our eyes trained directly on the pale silver moon.

Once again, I felt that strange flip in my stomach the more I stared at him, followed by a wave of excitement. We had been lying on the floorboards, my hand limply in his. I hoped he didn't mind that I was practically killing him with my weight but then again, he didn't move me away in the middle of our sleep.

I just slept with my crush. The realisation hit me faster than I could have processed. I covered my face, feeling it heat up again. My eyes focused on the small drop of rain which had hit the polished wood. Another drop joined the first, before it soon started to pour.

I raised my arm up to shield my eyes, startled at how fast the rain had started.

"Ugh.. it's raining.?"

I turned to see Shuichi, still lying on the ground but with an arm across his eyes. I giggled, wiping away the water which dripped down the side of my face, "Well, duh, I never pegged you as a fan of the obvious, Saihara-chan~! You're supposed to be wayyy smarter than this."

He moved his arm so he could give me a poker face, before sighing heavily, and sitting up. "We should head back inside.. we might fall sick." His eyes appeared dull in the morning light; though he hastily looked away as soon as he made eye contact with me. What's up with that?

This was the type of rain which could make people fall sick easily, the sun and the water, mixing to create a humid environment. And also.. I glanced up at the sky, which was starting to turn a light shade of blue as the sun rose higher.

"Ouma? Come on." he held a hand up to shield his eyes, just like how I was doing. He beckoned me to move, and I obeyed, seeing that the rain and the heat was getting heavier with each passing second.

"At least you're not wearing your nerdy ol' glasses, Saihara-chan." I said, carefully skipping after the detective, who turned away again, his face red. I found that kinda cute, how he blushed at every compliment I gave to him.

He was like a little kid who never had enough attention. Hmm.. perhaps his childhood wasn't the best. Well, it's my duty to make sure he's got enough love and adoration from yours truly.

Just as I realised that we were dripping water everywhere along the marble tiled floor, I noticed that he was now making his way to a small drainage ditch nearby; wringing his clothes out as much as he could. What a considerate guy.

We were standing near the door of the roof garden, where a small shelter made of plastic was fixed over the entrance. Perfect! A warm draft blew from somewhere, blasting me with heat and making me feel more comfortable; despite my bare feet feeling as though they were dipped in ice cold water.

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