The Trickery That Hid Away

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✧ Chapter 57 ✧
[ The Trickery That Hid Away ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

I barged into the room where Maki was, Keebo following closely behind. He was here to help me if things went out of hand, and with that assassin around.. well, things could get messy.

Said girl was in the process of bandaging her arm with the help of Akane and Sakura. "Ouma," the assassin murmured in a low voice as I plastered a grin on my face. "What do you want?"

"Just a word with you, dear Harukawa!" I exclaimed as she picked up her knife. I didn't flinch as my eyes met her troubled ones. "Just put down the knife, and we can have a little chat."

Maki clenched her jaw, as Sakura gently lowered the knife Maki was holding with her hand. "It's no good if you strain yourself, Maki," the white haired woman told her wisely, "Listen first, and if necessary..."

Sakura looked at me, her nose wrinkling at me with distaste. But hey! I was used to dirty looks thrown my way, so I wasn't very insulted by her expression.

"We can give you some space." Akane mumbled through a mouthful of food, giving Maki a thumbs up.

She patted Maki's shoulder gently — while eating a huge slice of a vanilla sponge cake — before following Sakura and Keebo out of the room.

The door closed behind them with a click, making Maki glare right at me. If looks could kill.. "What do you want, Mastermind?" she asked, that last word brimming with pure hate. It was obvious she hated my guts, but hey, I had a plan, and I needed her help to carry it out.

"I know what it's like to hold back your feelings, Maki." I began to say, looking up at her as her eyes narrowed slightly. "All I'm asking is for your forgiveness in what I have done to you before. And work beside me." I held up a hand.

I had watched her closely, ever since I saw her with Chiaki Nanami about half an hour ago. Maki carried so much sadness, I couldn't help but feel curious. It was as though she was fighting for something unseen and no one else could relate to her.

Her eyes hardened as soon as she saw me offering a hand.

"The last time I trusted you," she began, raising a hand to hit mine away, trembling as I stood my ground, "I was in that Hospital. I saw the things they did to Kaito. And I regret. Every single day, I wish I didn't reject him."

Each word she said was carrying regret, and I was.. well, I cant believe I was trying to befriend her, someone who used to hurt me back in school..

"I'm being honest here, Maki," I spoke up as she clenched her shaking hand into a fist, "You don't hear that from me, however even though I'm a liar, liars must tell the truth sometimes when it's necessary. So help me end this."

"End this Loveless life and bring Shuichi and Kaito back from what they once was. Even if I have to sacrifice everything along the way." I continued to hold my hand out, waiting for her to take it.

Maki regarded my outstretched hand for a moment, her red eyes fixed on my purple ones. Behind those serious lifeless eyes, I could tell she was hurting.

However, for once, I wanted to help her, even if it meant putting our differences aside.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

[ Shuichi's PoV ]

I coughed out more blood, the liquid spilling from my mouth as I knelt on the cold marble ground. Holding a hand up to my jaw to stop the blood flow, my vision blurred..

"Are you done waiting around for someone to save you?" Kaito taunted, kicking me hard on the back, making me cough once more. "You're waiting for nothing. Ouma doesn't remember you. If you want him to remember you, give us the serum."

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