spider! tord x child! reader

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Inspired by the spider on my wall i named peter before he got murdered by my moms croc.

-tord pov-

I was working in my lab, on a potential way to degrade that stupid jehovah. Im not sure what this serum did but it was bound to do something.

I yawned as it was now 2am, and accidentally knocked the serum onto myself.

I stood fast, but quickly felt very dizzy, and shut my eyes, hands on the floor as i kneeled, too dizzy to stand.

I blacked out, and it was a while before i woke up.

After what felt like a long time i went to open my eyes again, but dont remeber eight opening.

Shrugging it off as feeling woozy i tried to stand only to feel more limbs tham before when i tried to do so.

I quickly moved to the mirror in my room to see i had become a spider, and a large one at that.

I was the same color as my hair, and two small tufts stood on my head simular to my hair.

The door to my room opened, and a familiar kiddo peered around.

"Tord??? I heard a noise in here." She said, and fully walked into my room before spotting me on the floor.

I froze in fear, but the child merely kneeled by me, eyeing me with intrest.

"Hello." She said, still looking at me like a dog to a squirrel out the window.

"...hey..." i said, and she jumped a bit.

"Nonono dont scream! Its me tord!" I said trying to calm her.

She made no noise at all, hand over her own mouth and nodding.

"What happened?" She asked, and had calmed down.

"Failed experiment..." i murmured, and she nods.

When edd first found her in an alleyway dumpster, i was skeptical and thought all kids were spoiled brats.

But i soon figured out this kid was more simular to a dog in terms of obediance and eager to please attitude.

She even showed intrests in guns, and often was with one of the crew.

-reader pov-

I kneeled by tord, who still looked up at me.

"You arent gonna squish me right?" He asked warily.

"No. Youre like family why would i kill you?" I asked, and he appeared to take that well.

"I think i need help to make a cure..." he stated, and i nod going to stand.

"Wait!" I froze, staring at him.

"I need you... to pick me up." He said.

"I cant get to my desk like this.." he muttered.

I understood, and lay a palm face up near him.

My heart raced and my brain screamed at me to move away when the first of eight legs was on my arm, but i held myself still as he climbed on.

I carefully lifted my palm with him on it, a bit shaky but careful.

"Its alright im not gonna hurt you." Tord chuckled at my fear and i gave him a little glare.

"Dont try me right now youre only lije the size of my palm." I said and that shut him up fast.

I climbed into his desk chair to put him on the desk, and he seemed to already have it handled.

The door opened and i saw tom walk in, and i slid down from the chair onto the floor till i stood in front of him.

"Hey kiddo i heard you get up... why *hic* are you in here?" He said, obliously tipsy.

"I woke up so i came into here to see tord." I state.

"Speaking of.... where is that commie." Tom growled, looking around for a bit before his black eyes settled on the desk tord was on.

Tom paled, and picked up a shoe sloppily but before he could smash tord i saw him leap fron the desk to my shoulder.

I jumped a foot in pure shock, but felt tord still holding on my shoulder. Tom hesitated since tord was on me, and i took the chance to push him out gently and lock the door.

I could feel tord trembling on my shoulder as i panted. I moved my hand to my shoulder and he crawled onto it. I was fast to put my hand near his desk but he declined.

"I've finished the cure and drank it..." he said.

"Oh..." i said, and looked at him.

"So what do you wanna do now?" I ask, and he looks around a bit.

"Im not sure i guess."

I put my hand on his bed and he crawled off and then i went to go back to my room.

"Wait where are you going?" He asks.

"Back to bed im tired." I said.

"You cant leave me alone here what if tom comes back?"

I thought for a long moment, before carefully climbing on his bed and sitting next to him.

"Alright... *yawn* but im sleeping for an entire day tomorrow." I said.

"What got you woken up and so tired? I didnt make that much noise." He said.

"Just some dumb nightmares... i was already up when you dropped that and just came to investigate" i said.

"Youre having nightmares? Why didnt you tell someone?" He asked worridly. I felt the tiny eight legs of his on mine and saw he had crawled up to my leg, and was looking straight at me.

"Cuz my old dad always told me nightmares make you weak and that crying is pathetic..." i murmur.

"Your old dad? You had one before?"

"Yeah. He was really mean and hurt me all the time and would hurt me worse if i cried, when he got hit by a semi i was so greatful." I said.

For the rest of the time tord continued to ask questions about me, and i answered to the best of my ability.

I saw a 'poof' where tord was on his bed and in the spiders place was regular tord, back to normal.

He looked at himself and smiled.

"Finally back to normal!" He cheered, and ruffled ny hair gently.

"Thanks kiddo, and if you ever have another nightmare you can come in here instead of sitting silently in your room." He offered up.

I nodded, and hugged him. He tensed up for a second before hugging back.

Who thought a kid and a pyschopathic army leader would get along so well?

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