Matt x hairdresser! reader

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Prompt: "im having a bad hair day, think you can help?"

Slight angst, slight?


♡Reader pov♡

I loved my job at the hair salon, most of my clients were great people and loved my work, as I filled their requests perfectly.

Fire ombre? Pfft.

Shave design? No problem.

Conditioning treatment? Easy peasy.

I had all kinds of clients who told me all their different stories, experiences and more. I loved my job due to all that the people would tell me, and ho e much they trusted me with their hair.

But one customer was my favorite, a slightly narcacisstic ginger named Matt hargreaves.

He had beautiful blue eyes and the cutest freckles to compliment his skin, and he was such a sweetie too.

The only issue was if I wasn't in the shop and someone else offered to do his hair, he would refuse.

I was the only one who got to touch his fluffy ginger hair, and I was honored.

He would always politely chatter with me, and even through multiple compliments my way to brighten my mood.

Though, he had a girlfriend, her name was r/n (rival name), and she was a complete definition of thot.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door jingling as someone walked in. I smiled at the sight of my favorite ginger customer, but it faded as I saw the state he was in.

His pretty face was beaten, a black eye,  scapes littered his face, neck, and arms. I'm assuming his torso wasn't untouched either.

He looked ragged, and straight up depressed honestly. The sight of him almost made me cry in itself, but his voice hurt more.

"Hey y/n... can I get a walk in?" He says, I nod frantically, taking his arm and sitting him in a chair.

"Can I get a small trim and a condition?" He asked, not nearly as confident as usual.

"Im having a bad hair day, think you can help?" He murmurs, broken.

His eyes are full of tears, and my heart fills with rage for whoever did this to what was once such a confident man, now reduced to a sniveling shell.

His ego was not even a shred of what it used to be, and he was just in the worst condition I've ever seen, and he walked in here once as a literal zombie.

"Mattie, honey, who did this to you?" I asked, he's currently more fragile than anything so I use care and a gentle tone.

"My girlfriend, r/n, she... sh- she..." He began to sob and I spun the chair, turning it so I could hug him.

His body was wracked with sobs, his taller frame instantly wrapped around me like I was a prescious teddy bear.

I rubbed his back, humming a song to him. After a half hour, his sobs became sniffs and he continued.

"R/n left me, cheated on me and then insulted everything about me she said she once loved." He wailed.

"I really though she loved me! I really thought we'd last together!" He cried into my shoulder.

I swear something inside me snapped, I growled in pure rage at the filthy hoe who had wrecked my crush like this.

"Y/n, I'm leaving, but I'll leave the shop open if you want." My co worker linnea said, she know what's going on.

"Thanks linnie, I've gotta get this guys ego back." I smile at her, she smiles in response.

"You want me to stay and help?" Linnea asks, brushing her pink hair back. (Desc for her is in 'the mall')

"Huh?" Matt gasps, "how are you gonna do that?" He asks, sniffling.

I laugh almost sadistically, grabbing my supplies.

"We'll make you hotter than that bitch could've ever found." I growled. Linnea is laughing behind me, grabbing facial supplies for me to use, she's my assistant and gets the stuff I need while I do the work.

"Ready lady y/n?" Linnea asks, smiling.

"Born ready." I laugh.

With the help of linnea, we re styled my friend to bring out his best features and blur out the lesser liked.

I cut and styled his hair,

Deep conditioned it for more shine, and frizz control.

Gave him a facial to remove any acne or blackheads.

Another one for soft skin and a dewy look.

And then used a mask to get rid of the bags under his eyes.

Afterwards, we leave for r/ns house.


It didn't go well.

Both r/n and the guy she was with attempted to attack us, so I shot the man's dick and me and Matt left linnea to do her 'thing'.

The 'thing' she does to people we don't like, they'll be gone tomorrow.

I took Matt back to me and linnies place, watching movies and then falling asleep on the couch, him spooning me.

I just assume he's my boyfriend now.

??? Pov.

I stand above the remains of r/n and the dude she was with, r/n cut in half and the man diced into little bits.

Halo was covered in blood, and the hula hoop sized gold ring moved to float above my head.

I heard the sirens of cops, clicking my tounge. I pull up my hood to cover my long pink hair and run, jumping the back yard fence.

I ran to y/ns house, seeing her and Matt asleep on the couch together.

Halo hums,

I like those two together

I nod to my companion.

"Me too halo, me too."

I leave to bed, but not before getting many pictures of the new cute couple.

Eddsworld x Reader ☆Done!!!☆Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt