future! tamara x future! reader

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-reader pov-

I had been kidnapped by an enemy of my girlfriends army, the orange army.

(Orange and blue are true opposites)

While i was in my cell, wasting away with others from the blue army when i saw my chance.

"Everyone up, we are leaving." I barked and they looked at eachother, before nodding. Might as well.

I unscrewed a vent, climbing in.

"Wait here." I whidpered, and left. After awhile of crawling, i found the control room. I dropped in, knocking out the guard and quickly began working.

Soon i got every cell unlocked, and the orange base instantly grew chaotic. Me and the group of blue soldiers managed to signal the blue army, and were currently running out.

Shots fired everywhere, and i led the group carefully. A few were hit but we continued on, and i saw a blue helicopter land with several others.

I could see tamara, her visor desperatley looking for us before spotting me.

I grinned at her, but my face fell when a saw a frag grenade thrown near the helicopter.

"KEEP GOING! I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" I yelled at my teammates, who followed my orders and proceeded to the helicopters.

I could see tamara screaming my name, and i blew her a kiss with a smile before throwing myself back first over the grenade.

The last thing i felt was excrutiating pain, and i heard the helicopters take off. I gave a pained smile, and blacked out.

-tamara pov-

"Y/N!!!!!" i screamed. She blew a kiss, and fell back onto the grenade, which proceeded to explode, but not enough to harm us due to her efforts.

The entire way back to the blue base, i cried into ells shoulder, while her and matilda shushed me.

The orange base exploded, and i cried even harder than before. Soon we landed, ell and matilda going to treat injured.

I stormed to my office, crying and staring desperatley at the screen on my wall, hoping for a call from my lover.

Tears creeped from underneath my visor, and i lay my head down sobbing, bottle in hand and prepared to drink till im dead.

-skip two and a half weeks-

A ringing fills my office, and i answer the call almost mindlessly.

"You have contacted blue leader how can i help you?" I said with absolutely no emotion.

"Blue leader im gonna need *cough* im gonna need about three medical helicopters, there are still wounded out here." I heard the raspy voice of a soldier.

"Larry? Everyone thought you were dead?!" I said, staring at him. Behind him was a makeshift medical bay of injured lying on the ground.

"Im not *cough* not dead blue leader." He smiled.

"I can see that. I am sending medical helicopters." I said.

"Good cuz somebody's here that you really miss." He coughed, smiling and showing me a girl i thought i would never see again.



"What do you mean i cant go on a medical helicopter i am the blue leader!" I hissed to the head medics, matilda and ell, my friends.

"We need as much space as possible for wounded, nurses and supplies, sorry tamara." Ell stated, before they took off.

I watched the helicopters fly away, before growling and heading back to my office to drink more.

-reader pov-


Pain is all i felt after that frag grenade had launched shards of metal into my back and all over my body, leaving large gashes all over, mainly my torso.

Currently, i lay on a folded tarp, poorly bandaged up with torn fabric. I was apparently the worst injured. Stupid grenade.

The opposing army had left, leaving all of us here alone. At least we were apparently able to contact the base.

Sure enough, i heard the familiar noise of medical helicopters, and saw them land near where i was laying.

I stood up, hissing in pain. Several dozen nurses helped injured into the helicopters and i was approached by a familiar ginger.

"There you are." She gasped, and i toppled, injuries too much to stand properly without pain.

I was lifted into her arms, and from the height i could see other injured being helped. For the first time in a while a smile crossed my dirtied face.

Black spots worked their way into my vision, and i passed out in the arms of a friend.


I woke up, as i was being placed onto a gurnee and wheeled to the surgery unit. I saw my dear tamara running towards me quickly, and i raised a hand to wave.

She was at my side fast, and held gently onto my hand, running to keep up with the nurses moving me to the unit.

"Y/n, youre okay." She smiled, her visor glitched and tears flowing from under it. I squeezed her hand.

"You cant kill me until i agree to be dead." I grinned, and she laughed a bit.

"Thats my girl. Promise me one thing..." she said, and i nod.

"Stay safe." She said, and i laughed at her catchphrase.

"Always." I coughed out, before she was seperated from me.

-tamara pov, skip-

I sat at my desk, grinning like a madman at the fact my girlfriend was alright.

It had been eight hours since i had seen her, when a knock sounded at my door. I had begun to fix my visor on my own, something y/n almost always did for me.

"Come in." I said blindly, trying my hardest on the repairs.

"Hey hun." I heard her voice, and limping steps. I got up, walking to where i heard her and leading her to my bed to sit down.

She sat next to me, and i leaned my head on her shoulder.

I felt her pick up my waterlogged visor, before beginning to fix it for me.

"You didnt have to do that..." i murmured, tears leaking from the empty sockets of my eyes.

"If i hadnt, youd be worse injured than me." I grinned, putting a hand on her head and running some fingers through her hair.

"Im just glad youre alright." She smiled.

"Me too." I grinned, ignoring the constant pain and sounds of medical staff searching for me.

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