poweredd! x monster! reader ●super●

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♡reader pov♡

I walked through town, holding a (drink from coffee shop). There was a Sale on them today, so I picked up a drink and walked around.

However, i was grabbed and dragged into an alley by a man in a scientists coat.

"Every scientist needs an experiment." He laughed, and I blacked out as a syringe of f/c liquid was jabbed into my neck.

●edd pov●

My brown eyes widened as I saw the news announced that a monster was attacking the city, and I knew I had to stop it.

Changing into poweredd, I saw it from the sky, and it was definitely terrifying.

Changing into poweredd, I saw it from the sky, and it was definitely terrifying

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(I know it's monster hunter, I had no ideas)

A man in a lab jacket was standing in front of it, and held it on a laser chain and a collar of steel.

The thing was almost 20 feet tall, everything about its appearance screamed evil.

"Hey!" I shouted, catching their attention.

The beasts eyes were a bright e/c, reminding me of my crush y/n.

I shook those thoughts off, not wanting to be distracted right now.

"Take your havoc somewhere else, how's about jail?" I taunted, preparing for a fight.

The beast disregarded me, and the scientist laughed as his creation continued its rampage.

"You're not even worth my time. Go home boy, that outfit is ridiculous." He cackled, and I huffed.

"Shut up you old fart, I'll show you." I said, flying towards the beast.

It's large head opened to two rows of razor teeth, and I just barely dodged being snapped up then and there.

I landed a power punch onto its snout, and it roared in agitation as the skin was slightly burnt by the punch.

Move after move, both of us grew more and more tired, but I got an advantage.

The monsters tail had crashed into a building, which fell onto a girl on the street.

But then, a vending machine spilled out the cans it contained, full of cola.

The monster looked at the cans, and whined? Now's not the time for pity, edd.

With one final attack, the monster fell with a deafening screech. The scientist yelling in anger.

Cops had just shown up and He was being arrested, but nobody knew what to do with the monster.

Nobody expected it to turn into a person.

I gasped, a familiar h/c girl lay in the crater without any movement, not even her breath.

I lifted her gently, she was frail and cold as I flew to the paramedics. They grabbed her from me, and left me there.

My brown eyes were teary, I had beaten up my crush in the form of a monster, when I should have focused on beating up the scientist.

Her torn face, skin marked with wounds and the pained expression haunted me.

8 hours later, I checked into the hospital to pick her up, but she had left already.

After turning the city upside down and returning home defeated, I was surprised to see her on my couch.

♡reader pov♡

My one eye was covered in bandages, left upper arm, right lower arm, torso, right ankle and left knee looked the same.

A pained smile creeped onto my face as the colaholic stated at me gaping, and was fast to engulf me in a hug.

He held me gently, and I laughed at him. His profuse apologies weren't necessary.

"Geez edd, you act like I was gone." I said and he held me a little tighter.

"I hurt you y/n! I hurt you badly and you're the one that I like!" He continued to babble on as I blushed.

I silenced him with a kiss to his cheek, and he flushed red as I grinned.

"I like you too, hero."

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