monster! Tom x sick! reader

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This gon be short because idk I'm tired

■Reader pov■

I lay in bed, burning up with a 102.8 fever (I've had that once.) And feeling utterly miserable.

My boyfriend, Tom had told me earlier that he would stop by and pick up some medicine and maybe food but I didn't feel up to eating at all.

I had taken Advil earlier and it has been hours, but it's not working so I get up to get more.

I stumble down the stairs and into the kitchen but almost drop the bottle as the door opens, and in walks my boyfriend, soaked from the rain.

His hood is pulled up tight and sleeves covering his arms, he comes into the kitchen and puts the bag down.

"I got some other meds and some soup from (random soup restaurant), but you really shouldn't be up baby." I heard Tom say, but it had a whine to it, like a dog.

I looked at him, and shook my head.

"I'm fine, and I'll probably save the soup for later, I'm not feeling up to eating anything." I reply, going to hug him but a covered hand stops me.

"Then at least go lay down, I don't want you up until you're feeling better and I don't wanna get sick too." He says, his voice still sounds weird.

I nod and after taking the meds climb onto the couch under some blankets, gesturing him over.

"At least come sit over here." I whined "It's not that contagious."

"Im... gonna go change first...." He mumbled and walked up the stairs, I turn back to the tv and turn on (insert show you love)

After a few minutes, however I grew concerned for my boyfriend and climbed the stairs shakily, knocking on the door.

I heard a whimper instead of a human response, and something rattling the door.

I attempt to open the door but it's locked so I knock again.

"Tom? You ok?" All I hear is more whimpers and whines so I back up and kick the door, breaking the lock and it slams open.

Inside I see a large creature with dark grey scales, purple horns and one black eye, plus the mouth of razor sharp teeth.

It sees me and whines, moving towards the door but I instantly close it again, flying down the stairs and almost tumbling.

As I race downstairs I grab a steel baseball bat (honestly my choice weapon) and prepare to beat somebody.

I hear toms door open and I raise the bat, as the noises move down the stairs I prepare to swing.

The monster rounds the corner and I make my attempt to attack, but the bat only glances off the scales of the monster.

It turns and grabs the baseball bat, rolling it away on the floor. It then backs me into the corner, still coming closer.

I close my eyes and accept my death, but instead of pain, I feel a tongue lick my face, like a dog.

My eyes shot open and I wipe my face on my hoodie, turning to the beast that is now sitting and wagging it's tail like a puppy seeking attention.

I slowly held my hand out, and the monster leans it's face in, purring extremely loudly.

"T-tom?" I manage to stutter, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The monster makes a noise and it's tail wraps around my waist and pulls me close to him, then wraps his arms around me and sits there.

I awkwardly wrap my arms around him, and after a while I feel him shrink, until he's mostly human.

Now that my adrenaline is wearing off, I feel worse than before and gravity pulls my down, but I'm caught be Tom.

He picks me up, sitting on the couch with me in his lap as he turns on 'the children'

As he was watching the show I mustered up my energy.

"So,.... mind telling me.. what the fuck happened..." I ask him, voice torn from sickness.

"I didn't tell you, cause I thought you'd leave me...." He trailed off, pointed ears lowering in shame.

I move my hand up and place it on his cheek, he looks surprised and glances at me.

"I wouldn't leave ya, you're the best boyfriend I could ask for." I couch out, his eyes widen before he realizes and smiles, showing sharp fangs.

He hugs me carefully, and his tail curls around me as I cough.

"Thanks y/n... for staying."

That's the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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