tord x dog! Reader

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(You can pick any dog breed, try to make it medium though or large, not small)

Reader pov...... (backstory)

I sat in the rain, questioning my predicament. I currently live in a dumpster in an alley, a stray d/b  (dog breed) with matted fur and nothing but skin and bone, I was only about 9 weeks old.

My mother, m/n (mom's name) had been hit by a big monster that travels down the black ground, there's different colors and sizes, the monster hit her and kept going, continuing its loud roar.

My other siblings had been taken in, and I didn't know where my dad was. I lived alone and fended for myself.

(Present time)

Thunder boomed above and rain poured down, I tried to sleep in my box but failed. Suddenly, footsteps came down the sidewalk, and a pair of feet appeared near my box.

I hid in the corner, afraid, I feared the worst because humans aren't exactly known to be good in my opinion.

I saw the human kneel in front of my tattered home, and peer in. He had silver eyes and honey brown hair, poking up in two spikes.

A hand, rough and scarred was offered by my face, and I hesitantly moved closer. The hand, about the size of my head, gently stroked my back.

I enjoyed the unknown feeling that many dogs called being "petted", but then the hand picked me up, and I began to squeal and yip, the man gently cradled me and I settled down.

The man walked for a bit in the rain, then approached a building, opened the door, and closed it behind us.

I was wrapped in a soft cloth, and the man and me sat on a couch. My eyes slowly drifted closed, comforted by the feeling of the man petting me.


I awoke to being prodded by an orange haired human, a brunette, and a black eyed human.

I began to panic as the orange headed man picked me up. "She's so cute!" He says, and makes a squeal noise. I yelped and the black eyed man grabbed me from the other.

"You're scaring her Matt! Leave her be." He grumbles, 'matt' now pouts and passed m e to the blue one. I can smell the stench of alcohol on the blue human, and I've smelt it before.

I've smelt it when that monster hit my mom, and when a human beat me in an alleyway.

It was a smell I didn't like at all.

In pure terror, I but his hand, HARD. He gave a cry and dropped me, but I was caught before I could fall.

I found myself in the hands of the red hoodied man, and I was calmer, but shaken  (reader-Chan is SHOOK)

"That thing bit me tord!" The blue hoodied man yelped, blood began to speckle his hand.

"I wouldn't want to be held by you either tom." Tord growls, "besides, she most likely did it in defense."

The blue human, 'Tom' scoffed, and tord sat on the couch, me in his lap as the others sat beside him and they played something on the black wall square. (Tv)

As it started, a grey cat with dark grey stripes jumped up on the green ones lap, and walked over to me.

"Hello there, dog." The cat says to me, apparently the humans don't understand, they watch us as if the most interesting thing.

"Hello... um." I pause, and he replies

"Edd has named me ringo, but what's your name?" He questions me.

"Hey edd." Tord says, and the green one looks over. He must be 'edd'.

"Yeah tord." He responds.

"I forgot to name my dog." He says, kinda sheepishly.

"It can't be that hard, think of some names." Edd said, gaze returning to the 'movie.'

I look up to see tords grey eyes on me as he tries to think of ideas.

"(Insert name.), no that's not right." He says, and this continues for several minutes.

"I've got it!" He yells suddenly, causing me and ringo to jump in surprise.

"Y/n." He said. I kinda like that, it sounds nice.

♡(after a few months)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I lay on the couch, definitley larger than when I was first brought here, a full sized (d/b)

I heard some commotion outside, so I clambered through the dog door in the wall to see a large, red figure made of metal.

It spoke with tords voice although very amplified; "sorry edd, I just couldn't leave this behind."

Those two continued to banter back and forth, and I mustered up the loudest bark I could, making both turn towards me.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" The robot says in his voice again, and it kneels, a hand out towards me.

"C'mon y/n!" It calls, but I growl in response, I think this thing ate my favorite human, and to me, that means war.

I crouch low, ready to attack if it moves, watching it's every move.

"C'mon y/n." It even whistles like him, I turn and book it to a neighbors garden to get some cover.

The robot sighs and says something about 'being back for you' and stands, turning from the rubble and preparing to launch.

I growl, leaping from the neighbors yard as it begins to fly, I have to follow that thing.

As I get ready to run after it, Tom emerges from the wreckage with a thing he called his 'harpoon gun' and aimed it towards the robot, yelling.

"I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND!" The harpoon hit the robot and it began to fall, I raced after it to where it crashed.

Searching amongst the remains I heard a groan, and saw movement. Carefully removing some metal I found tord, bloodied and crumpled.

He attempted to stand, and moved his head around confusedly. It was like he couldn't see.

"Hello? Anyone?" He asked, grey eyes sweeping the scenery. He fell back down and I crawled close.

"Y/n?" He asks, hands blindly searching for anything, so I stepped closer and I felt his hands in my fur, like when we had met.

Except this time he was the helpless one, and I will return an old favor.

I bounded away, searching for anyone nearby to help and I spotted a car  do I lept in front of it, forcing it to stop.

I gave a mournful cry and barked, running and occasionally checking to see if it was still following.

I led it back to the dead robot, where my human was calling out my name and searching for me.

Two men left the car and approached him, bandaging his wounds. He has a head injury so he wouldn't be able to see for a while.

They got in the car, and I climbed in the back with tord. The two in the front almost shoo'd me out but tord spoke up.

"She's my dog, it's better if she comes with because I can't see." He says, uninjured arm on my back.


We pulled into a base where multiple people watched the car as it passed, talking amoungst themselves.

Inside, the bandages were replaced with clean ones, and I was given a leash and vest. They trained me to lead tord around for when the soldiers are busy.

I was allowed around the base, and became a favorite to the soldiers because I allowed them to pet me.

"Y/n, here." I heard tord call, I left the soldiers and he shakily grabbed the leash.

I took him back to his room, as asked and we laid down.

Its been a long day.

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