trainer! Matt x Sylveon! reader

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I decided shiny Sylveon your be super cute, and he'd think it's fabulous.


You ran down the street, cold, hungry, and alone. You were a shiny eevee, but your trainer was anti-shiny, and abandoned you in a different town. You were running from a houndoom, who was chasing you, and not in the fun way.

READER POV. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

My paws were about to give out as I ran, but I slowed. This was my end, all because I was shiny. As the houndoom approached, I heard a human voice.

MATT POV *he's a child* ♡♡♡♡♡♡

"Hey, stop that!" I yelled at the mean houndoom who was chasing a shiny eevee. The houndoom looked up, startled, and ran away. I walked over to the eevee, who was trying to flatten against the ground as much as possible.

"Hey there little fella." I said, holding my hand to her, she looked at me, and rubbed her head against my hand. I giggled at the small silver fox pokemon. I gently picked her up and brought her home.


READER POV.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

It has been years since Matt had taken me in, he had become a coordinator and I was his only pokemon. We were in the last stage of a competition, and battling a hydreigon. I lept and dodged, attacked and got attacked. Matt's crys kept me going.

And I was not about to fail him. EVER.

At least, not without a fight.

The hydreigon blasted me with dragon pulse, and I hit the ground. Matt came running over, holding me.

MATT POV♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I held y/n (he named you that) in my arms, she was badly damaged by hydreigons attacks. I was going to loose for sure, and I was so close to becoming top coordinator.

I felt y/n breathing in my arms, almost nonexistent breaths, all in pain. Because of me, I shouldve never wanted to be a coordinator, it hurt y/n badly.

I heard a voice sneer at me from across the battlefield.

" hahaha, loser, your eevee is weak compared to hydreigon. You'll NEVER win, go home and cry to mama!" R/n (rival name) laughed as hydreigon let out a roar.

Just then, y/n jumped from my arms and into the fight again, but something was different, she started glowing. She was evolving!

READER POV♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I felt warmth overcome the pain as I began to glow, I knew I had to evolve into a Sylveon to beat hydreigon. So be it. If it meant winning for matt, id die to see him happy.

After the evolution was complete, I let out my best war cry. Matt looked surprised and... happy? And hydreigon trembled in fear. This was gonna be fun.

Matt shook of his shock and called out "y/n! Lets finish this!" I gave a cry, and began attacking hydreigon, who tried it's best to protect itself, but lost to me and my powerful fairy moves.

The hydreigon fainted, and Matt was announced top coordinator. He ran over and picked me up in a hug. I turned and licked his face, wrapping my feelers around him.

We got the ribbon and crown and walked back to his house, where his friends were watching on t.v.. as soon as we got in the door we were bombarded with congratulations from everyone.

It felt great.

But not as good as seeing Matt happy.

But not as good as seeing Matt happy

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