child tord x reader

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This was a request.

Don't kill me.

Reader pov. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I was walking home, by home I mean the red army, which I led. I led my small group of soldiers back to the red base, we had successfully killed the pink army (It's filthy frank boi) and we now technically ruled the world.

We were using our powers for good, send food and water to people in need, building shelters for homeless, etc. 

We were walking through the destroyed pink town when we spotted a prison, or the remains of one. I decided to make a quick stop there to see if there were any people alive.

I forced the gate open, and we casually marched in. I had my soldiers split into groups, we all searched the prison thoroughly, but as I was on the last cell, I heard sniffles and whimpers of a young one.

I dug through a pile of rubble, only to find a young boy. His clothes were tattered and worn, he only had a ripped t-shirt and shorts. His hair was matted and filthy (frank) and he was covered in small scrapes and bruises.

He trembled at the sight of me, my heart broke, I may have destroyed evil armies, but I was still a caring girl. I removed the rubble more and saw it had broken his leg, he was crying in pain.

I quickly removed all the rubble, his face lightened a bit, and he tried to stand, but I caught him before he did. "You might not want to do that honey." I soothed, picking him up and gently cradling him. He stared, he probably thought I was going to kill him, or worse, he calmed, realizing I was trying to help.

I carried him out of the cell and called for my soldiers to regroup, they all stared at the child like I was instead holding an atomic bomb. The child held onto my red hoodie.

"What?" I asked my soldiers, I was not ever demanding with them unless truley mad, they were used to a gentle voice. "Ma'm, why are you holding a child?" A soldier asked, all the others nodded in agreement.

"I found him, and I'm keeping him." I smiled, I had wanted to keep a child but never had my own to care for. The boys face brightened and he held onto me in a hug.

The soldiers smiled, they knew it was going to be the cutest thing to see their leader with a kid. I looked at the child in my arms, he was shivering. He must be chilly.

"What's your name child?" I asked, "my name's tord, miss..." He said. "Well tord, are you cold?" He nodded yes and I passed him to a soldier and removed my red hoodie, I still had a shirt and army coat so I'll be fine.

I took tord back and put the hoodie on him, he snuggled into it even though it was far too big on him. He smiled, "thank you!" I nodded "It's fine, you need it more than I do tord."

We made it back to the red base quickly, I carried tord as he slept the whole way. He woke up right as I walked in, all the soldiers gathered around, looking at tord. He snuggled close to me, not liking people so close.

I had the soldiers back off a little so tord wouldn't be afraid, he peeked at everyone, staring at people as everyone awed over him.

"Are you keeping him?" A soldier asked, I nodded.

"What's his name?" "Tord."

After many more questions, I broke away from the group, telling soldiers to resume their training. "Bye leader y/n, bye tord!" They called. I waved, so did tord.

I began the walk to the infirmary, "hey miss?" "Yes tord." I replied, he looked up at me "can I call you mama?" He asked, there goes my heart. (This sweetie gonna give you diabetes)

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