cat! ell x reader

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... a brown cat with matching eyes, sitting in the box.

It looked around, before meowing and crawling out of the box. It seemed friendly enough so thats a pleasant suprise.

The cat took to exploring the extire house, but i saw her as soon as i had opened a cherry cola from my fridge.

I had been watching a movie and that cat did everything in its power to get my cola.

And by that i mean giving me a cute face i fell for instantly. So, i tilted the can and let the cat have some pop, if it dies it dies happy.

However, afterwards it did not look sick or anything, sitting with me and continued to purr.

I watched the entire movie like that, cat with me the whole time. Afterwards i sat, stretched and popped my bones before getting ready for bed.

The cat followed, and when i exited the bathroom in my pajamas was on my bed, making a spot for herself.

I plopped onto the bed, getting under the covers, and getting ready to fall asleep.

At least until i heard a crash and when i looked i saw a girl i didnt know in a grey shirt that said 'smeg head.' And black shorts. Not to mention the cat ears and tail she still had.

Her brown hair was tied into a ponytail, and her brown eyes watched me, while i contemplated my existance entirely.

"Uhh... hello?" I asked, still somewhat dreary and disoriented.

"Hi." Was her simple yet nervous response.

"Not to sound rude but who are you and why are you in my house?" I asked.

"Well i got turned into a cat, and given to you but i turned back, and kinda figured id stay here?" She said, unsure but at least trying.

"... well i guess i could use a roomate, and since youre already here.." i murmured, yawning.

"You really mean that?" She asked, brown eyes bright.

I nod, and soon after some coversation get her name, etc.

"So since its like 2am, and my couch is a death trap you can stay here i guess." I scoot over on my bed, and she accepts gladly.

Pretty soon i fall asleep and when i woke up i had arms wrapped around me and my face over a shoulder of a familiar brunette.

What a way to wake up.

Eddsworld x Reader ☆Done!!!☆Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu