Tom x reader

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Prompt: "Oh my god you're so fucking drunk."

☆Reader pov☆

It was midnight, and Tom hasent returned home yet, or even called me for a ride home.

In other words, I was terribly worried about him. You see, Thomas had a hankering for getting involved in bat fights and other chaos such as that.

I wrap my f/c hoodie around my frame tighter, walking to edds house, to see if Tom had wandered there.

I knock on the door, and Matt opens it.

"Oh! Hey y/n, have you seen tom?" The freckled ginger asks.

I shook my head in response, and Matt gives a quiet grunt of displeasure.

He moved to let me inside, and closes the door behind me, shutting out the bitter air of the night.

"Me and the others are gonna watch a movie? Wanna join us?" Matt asks.

"Sure, sounds fun." I respond.

"I gotta wait for Thomas the train to crawl back anyway." I smile.

"He hasent called you?" Edd inquires, concerned for his eyeless  (I say he's eyeless) friend.

"Nope." I said, popping the p.

Edd shakes his head (me: HEDD *gets shot by reader chan* I'm sorry!)

Both boys sit beside me on the couch, one on each side. We put in a random movie and tord comes downstairs.

"Hey y/n." He says, sitting next to Matt.

"Hey tord." I respond. Unlike my boyfriend, I didn't absolutely hate tord.

The movie starts and I see it's really (fav sad movie). Oh dear Lord, get ready for tears.

(My fav saddish movie is a dog's purpose, which I saw right after losing my dog)

Eventually, the movie ended and we had all wiped out tears, even tord had cried a little.

Matt had begun sobbing hysterically, climbing to my arm. Edd was sniffly, leaning on my other shoulder and tord had sat in the same spot, only with shiny eyes.

Soon after, my phone went off with a text from Toms number.

I examined my phone, curiosity striking me like a mailbox to the face.

T: is this the girlfriend of Thomas ridgewell? He is currently drunk and at the house he thinks is yours.

Y: yeah, I'll get over there asap

I stand, prong myself from Matt.

"I gotta go, toms hammered at my place." I chirp, adjusting my hoodie, pulling the hood up.

I open the door, stepping out into the night, it's currently one am and the moon is my light source.

I quickly made it to my house, where a cop car was in the driveway, a cop watching Tom as he sloppily pounded on my front door.

I approach the cop, who looked at me, chuckling at the drunk man baby at my door.

"This your boyfriend ma'am?" The cop asked me.

I nodded, and the cop looked at me, still turned towards Tom.

"Got in a bar fight, apparently someone said something about you and he pounced." The cop started.

"He was defensive because someone said you were hot, and this dude didn't deserve you."

I felt my face blush slightly, and I shook my head.

"Sounds like something he'd do, thank you so much officer." I chirp tiredly. The cop nodded and got in his car.

"Just sayin, I had to cuff him with zip ties because he kept struggling with people." He said, pulling away and driving off.

I nod, turning to the light brown and spiky haired bowl ball at my door who was now leaning with his forehead on my door.

I enter through my back door, going upstairs and changing into pajamas really quickly.

As soon as I turned my bedroom light on, the noises at my door re started with more intensity.

Tom's slurred voice could be heard calling from outside.

"Babbyyyy lemmee innnnn."


I crept downstairs, and open the door, toms face lightens.

His face is instantly burrowed into my shoulder, he's attempting to break the zip ties on his wrists.

"Heeeeyyyy baby girrrrlll." He slurred, he smells of Smirnoff. I smile, arms wrapping around him.

"Hey hun." I coo, Tom is almost purring.

I pull back, cringing as I see his scrapes and bruises. He doesn't appear to feel them yet, but he will if they're not patched up.

I grab the collar of his hoodie, dragging him upstairs to the bathroom, where a first aid kit resided.

I sat him on my bed, grabbing the kit and beginning to patch up his wounds. He flinched as I cleaned them with rubbing alcohol, but it was necessary.

After that, I used a scissor to cut the makeshift zip tie cuffs and his arms were immediately around me.

He pulled me on my bed, then I made the struggle to break free. He whined as I got up, turning off the light and going back.

He held his arms open, and I happily accepted his pleas for cuddles. He laughed bubbily as I snuggled into his chest.

He sloppily kissed me and I looked into the sockets he called eyes.

"Oh my god, you're so fucking drunk."

"Im you're fucking drunk though."

And we both fell asleep, but I woke to a screeching and hungover Tom.

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