•man in the mirror• Matt x reader

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Skidaddle skidoodle,

Wattpad can go suck a raw noodle.

●reader pov●

My E/c eyes scanned the shelves, this store obliously filled with many strange objects.

I had visited linneas shop, which had grown to sell a small amount of fantasy items and the usual mystical pets.

Said girl sat on the counter petting a emerald green baby dragon that slept in her lap.

Curiosity overtook me as a silver mirror came into view, and I found it beautiful.

A silver hand mirror with intricate patterns carved into it and a perfectly polished reflection stared back at me.

"Hey linna how much for the mirror?" I inquired, examining it.

"Free, I don't know if it'll sell for some reason." She shrugged.

"K thanks." I chirped, sliding it into my bag and leaving after waving goodbye.

●You are now at home●

Laying in bed, I couldnt fall asleep because I felt like I was being watched.

I rolled, and lifted the dainty mirror to see my reflection but saw something else instead.

A fluffy haired ginger with sapphire eyes stared back at me, freckles dotting his pale skin.

A well toned chin made his face appear sculpted, and he looked just as confused as I must've.

"Hello?" I asked, voice raspy from tiredness.

"You're pretty."

"Wait wHAT!"

"Youre the first person I've seen in awhile, and you're pretty."

"... thanks?"

"No problem!"

The ginger sure was complimenting, but also engrossed in himself.

"I'm matt."

"I'm y/n, but what do I do with you now?"

"I think my friend tord is the reason I'm in here, maybe I should find him."

"Ok dude but honestly I need to sleep so..."

"Oh ok! Night y/n!"

"Night Matt."

■swiggity swooty, skip because my brain is shooty■

It has been 3 weeks since I found matt, and he had grown onto me.

A new habit of his was to call me 'beautiful', so I called him 'handsome' in return.

It always made him blush, and I assumed he liked the name.

After searching for ages, I was scared shitless when a large male had appeared at my door one day.

He had hair styled in horns, and grey eyes that looked into my soul.

"Hello, have you recently seen a ginger with freckles and a big chin?" He asked, perfectly describing Matt.

"... maybe, if the dude you're looking for is a mirror."

"That's him! Is he here?"

"Yea lemme go get him."

I climbed the stairs, and neared where the mirror rested on my bedstand 90% of the time.

Without a word, I carried him downstairs to the accented male. He began to grab something from his pocket and drop a liquid into the mirror.

Instead of landing on the surface it dropped through like there was nothing there at all, no glass.

He handed Matt back immediately and left without a word, and I watched the street behind him until...

A random girl running across the street clutching a coffee got hit by a car.

(Lol guess who)

She appeared to lay silently, most likely dead.

To avoid being associated, I went back inside and locked the door. From the window I could see the girl drag herself with bloodied arms out of the street leaving a trail of blood.

I turned back to my mirror friend, only to not see the usual sheen of the glass and more like an empty hole.

Attempting to put a hand on it, it only went into the white abyss, and I screeched when another grasped it.

I reeled, pulling the other hand with me and throwing a figure into the wall behind me with force.

Sure enough, a familiar man slid down the wall and wailed in pain, clutching his face.

He looked around, then at me and I was smothered in a hug from the taller male.

E/c eyes widened when his soft lips hit mine, and after a few moments of bliss we parted.

"I've been waiting to do that." Matt grinned childishly.

I planted a soft kiss on his cheek, returning the grin.

"Was it worth the wait?"

(Holy crap this turned out shitty but I'm so tired AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

I'll make a good oneshot, but it'll take a bit:


"You helped me, let me return the favor."


Redaer x redael der

Eddsworld x Reader ☆Done!!!☆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon