vampire! Matt x reader

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I was awake late at night, it was Halloween, the scariest Holliday. I was currently waiting for my boyfriend Matt to finish trick-or-treating. I don't trick-or-treat, but I won't stop him if he wants to.

He's such a cute child on the inside, a little narcacistic, but also really caring and sweet when he wants to be. I heard a knock on my door, I opened up to see a little girl in a cape. "Trick or treat!" She said, I smiled, handing her some candy, she nodded in thanks and left.

I walked back to the couch, snuggling into my blanket. I peacefully drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to see my movie had finished, I decided to turn on another one, I selected (f/m) and hit play, right as I was getting to the good part, I heard another knock on my door.

I saw the silhouette of matt, so I paused my movie and ran to the door. I saw Matt, wearing a vampire costume and shivering slightly. I hugged him, he was cold as Ice! I pulled him inside and shut the door.

I pushed him to the couch, putting him in my warm spot, covering him with all my blankets. "Stay here icecube!" I called as I ran to the kitchen to make him some hot chocolate.

After the warm milk was done, I added cocoa and stirred, bringing the warm beverage to my cold boyfriend, who had snuggled into my blankets.

I sat next to him, giving him the hot cocoa and hugging him. Matt always told me my hugs were warm and soft, so I hugged him tight.

He drank his hot cocoa, I noticed his eyes were red, his ears were slightly pointy, and he had fangs? Must be part of the costume.

After he finished drinking, he wasn't too cold anymore, so I pulled back from the hug, I saw something dropping down his neck, I followed the trail to see his neck was bleeding!

I instantly bolted, grabbing my 1st aid kit and running back, washing and patching the wounds. He seemed slightly happier now that it wasn't so painful.

He pulled me into his arms, I realised he was still shaking, but he wasn't cold. I looked up to see tears stream down his face, he was crying.

I looked at his face, "Matt what's wrong?" I asked "I got hit by a vampire! I'm a monster! What if I hurt you!" He cried, trying to pull away.

I tightened my hug, pulling him close. "Matt, if I know you, you cry over anything getting hurt, you'd never hurt anyone, let alone me." I smiled

He sniffled, I wiped his tears. He slowly began to smile, pulling me to his chest and burying his face in my hair.

I ran my fingers through his fluffy ginger locks, I smiled at him. "And you look just as fabulous as always, matt." He instantly brightened. "Really?"

I nodded, it was the truth, he was still cute, not like that mattered to me but it cheered him up.

He smiled, hugging me tight.

"I love you y/n."

"Love you too matty."

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