monster! Matt x reader

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You were at your house, bored because your crush Matt was supposed to come over to watch titanic with you, until finally he was at your door, soaked from the downpour outside.

You told him where your bathroom was, he wanted a towel to dry off his 'beautiful' hair. After 2 minutes you heard a girly shriek coming from your bathroom, you ran upstairs "Matt, are you okay?" You asked through the door.

"Don't come in y/n! I'm not okay!!!" Matt screeched "I'm hideous-" he was cut off by his own cry of pain before he stopped talking, but you heard pops and cracks that sounded like breaking and moving bones.

You could slightly hear quiet squeaks and light scratching at the door. You grabbed a baseball bat, thinking someone had stabbed Matt.

The door was locked also, so you grabbed a bobby pin from your hair and unlocked it. You heard scratches and squeaks, like something was trying to open the door but couldn't.

You flung the door open to reveal a giant, ginger colored bat who looks like he was trying to open the door. It saw the baseball bat and freaked out, flinching, not attacking. But where was matt?

Matt's pov ♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡

I looked at myself. I was hideous! No wonder y/n had a baseball bat for defense, she was probably horrified with how ugly I was! What am I gonna do! She'll probably dump me, or hate me!

Y/n pov ☆♧☆♧☆♧☆♧☆♧☆♧☆♧☆

The large bat seemed to be squeaking, crying and whimpering in a corner of my bathroom. "Hey, easy there fella" I said soothingly, holding out my hand to him. He slowly crawled over,(No front legs, he crawls on his wings) and rubbed his head against my hand.

After awhile of the giant bat you slowly walked out of the bathroom, opening up the door and going outside. "MATT!" You yelled for him for about 7 minutes before you gave up.

You walked inside, feeling defeated, and almost crying. Where was Matt? What if he was dead? You would never be able to tell him about your crush on him. Tears gently flowed from you e/c eyes, and you sat on your couch.

You heard something tumble down the stairs, and saw the giant bat crawling slowly across the floor towards you, before pulling himself onto the couch next to you. It gave you the kicked puppy look and put it's  head on your lap, wiping (or at least trying to) the tears from your face.

You gave him a small, was smile before petting it's head, as it began purring? Huh. You began venting to your new bat friend. "What if Matt doesn't come back? I was waiting to confess, and give him this." You pulled out a brush that had a mirror on the back, so he wouldn't have to carry a mirror and his comb.

The bat looked at the comb, the began rubbing it's face against yours. Squeaking and wrappings it's wings around you like a hug.

After awhile the bat actually placed its mouth on your cheek like a kiss, causing you to blush (///*3*///). The bat began squeaking like a familiar giggle of your missing friend.

You assumed you were becoming delusional and decided to go to bed. Making your way out of the bats 'hug' you began to leave to go upstairs, the bat following you.

When you were halfway up the stairs, you heard quiet cries and whines from downstairs. Turning around, you saw the bat attempting to climb the stairs, but failing and crying out to you.

You climbed down the stairs and stood on the second to last step, staring as the bat reached out towards you. After several attempts you picked it up and slowly made your way back upstairs.

You set it down, waiting to see where it would go but it just looked at you, like it was waiting. You walked into your bedroom, grabbed some pajamas and walked into your separate bathroom to change.

When you walked out, you saw the bat in your room on your bed. Mentally shrugging, you walked over and got under the covers in (sleep/postion) and you felt the bat curl around you, it's head on top of yours and its feet (?) near yours.

(Fall asleep)

You awoke to see the bat still there, but you pulled a Houdini and snuck out of the room, going downstairs to make food.

But as you were making pancakes, you felt familiar arms wrap around you and a chin on your head. You looked up to see Matt looking down at you. (SHORT)

You took your hand and placed it gently on his face, before slapping him. "Ow! My face! What was that for?" He whined, holding his cheek.

"Where were you!! I was so worried! And-" Matt cut you off with a gentle peck on the lips and he looked you in the face. "I was there the whole time, I heard everything." He said blushing slightly.

Now you were super confused, he was there and heard everything? But then that means...

He looked at you and said "I was that bat." (Wth) you blankly stared at him before realising that's why you found the bat in the bathroom. You also saw he was holding the mirror-brush you made.

"It's o-okay i-if you d-don't wanna-" once again Matt cut you off with a kiss, but this one was sweeter. "We are boyfriend and girlfriend now" Matt said "and they're gonna be so jealous I got one before them" he laughed as he picked you up and ran to his house yelling "HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT??? I JUST GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!"

(Holy fRICk this is long)

Eddsworld x Reader ☆Done!!!☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz