snake! tori x reader

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... a red snake with silver eyes, staring at me from the box. Realization hit me like a bus when i saw the stripes on it.

Holy fuck itsa coral snake.

I went to close the box, but the little head peered over the side and began to slither out.

I froze as it crawled out of the box, and up my arm where it wrapped around my shoulders.

I didnt even breathe, but when i looked closer at the snake, i realised its just a king snake.

I heaved a massive sigh of relief, and removed the reptile from my neck carefully. It wrapped around my wrist snugly, still staring at me.

Since it was getting late, and i needed to find a place for this thing to sleep because no way is a snake gonna sleep in my bed.

I moved the snake to my shoulders, digging around and finding some old reptile supplies i had from when i owned a lizard.

I set up the aquarium, and since i couldnt locate a heat lamp and every store was closed, i put it near a heat vent to stay warm.

Now came the hardest part, removing the snake which appeared to be very fond of me, and when i went to do so tightened a little.

This continued until i managed to gently remove the snake, and before it could wrap around me again, i placed it into the aquarium and replaced the wire lid.

The little nope rope tried to get out numerous times, and each failed attempt made me laugh.

"Youre a clingy one aren't ya." I laughed, and the snake looked grumpy.

"You can come back out..." i said, and the snake looked up at me hopefully and begging like a puppy.

"...tomorrow because i gotta go to bed." I finished, turning away and going upstairs where i changed into my pajamas.

(Aka tshirt and some short shorts.)

Laying in bed, i pulled the blankets up and fell asleep.


I jolted to a noise downstairs, and i grabbed the pistol under my pillow to investigate.

When i got downstairs, the snakes tank was missing the lid, and i couldnt find the reptile anywhere.

"Oh hell nah." I said, clutching my pistol and going upstairs, shutting my room door tightly.

I sat on my bed, and turned off the lamp, sitting in the darkness. A minute later there was noise outside my door. 

It opened, and something entered my room, and i felt my bed shift. I turned on the light and held the pistol up.

In front of me was a girl with caramel colored hair, styled up into two horns at the front and ending at her shoulder blades. Silver eyes stared at the gun, and she wore a red hoodie.

The only thing was she didnt have legs, but a long snake tail, identical to that of the snake i found earlier.

She raised her hands up in surrender, while i still pointed the gun at her.

"Who the fuck are you and why the hell are you in my house?" I asked, not wavering.

"Well my names tori, and some dude gave you a snake, aka me." She had an accent to her voice.

"Ok, why are you in my room..." i muttered, staring at her face directly to not seem absolutely terrified.

"That glass box is too cold, so i came up here." Was toris simple response, like it was oblious.

"Why are you on my bed?"

"Cuz its warm."

As i was still staring at her warily, her tail wrapped around my legs and hips while her arms wrapped around my torso.

I still held onto my gun, but couldnt move enough to shoot her, so i tossed i to the nightstand.

She seemed pleased, at least until i tried to remove myself from her grasp. Her grip on my tightened gently, and after a long time of struggling i gave up.

I attempted to move and grab the blankets, but she wouldnt allow that.

"Tori lemme grab the blankets."

"Why? You might leave if i give you the chance."

"I legit just have to sit up and grab them, It'll be warmer."

She thought for a moment, before loosening and she watched me the entire time i did so.

When i lay back she instantly grabbed me again, pulling me so that we were almost face to face, her eyes closed.

That was just fine, until a forked tongue flickered from her lips and just barely touched my face.

I flinched back, and she opened her eyes confused.

"Dont do that." I shivered, and she merely pulled me back, but i put my head over her shoulder instead.

I heard her laugh, and i sighed. Since i wont get out of this anytime soon, i put my arms around her aswell.

She appeared to be content, and i fell asleep with a snake literally in my bed.

What a day amiright?

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