LXIX. Mirror

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Suga stared soulless in front of the mirror. He's seeing a pained version of himself in front of him. He can't believe how he become so hopeless in life. His friends who at first consoles him were all left him behind on his own. They became tired of easing his broken heart 'cause he won't cheer up even one bit.

He despised the face he has right now. Why he ended up all broken? He cannot even see any reason to hold on. Out of anger, he punch the mirror in front of him leaving wounds in his knuckles.

But he won't care.

The pain in his fist is nothing compare on how much his heart is bleeding.

It's time to move on now. I can no longer stay like this

He thought to himself.

He stared at his reflection in front of the broken mirror once again. The distorted image of himself still emits pain and longings. 


Jihyo looks at her vanity mirror to see how she looks like in her dress. She is smiling in front of the mirror but why she cannot see it in her reflection? Instead, she can only see a version of her that cries.

It can't be help. 

After the day she turned her back on the man she's supposed to marry, she never becomes happy again. She achieved her dreams and gained a lot of people's recognition. She becomes successful in anything she does. All thanks to that day when she left him broken.


Suga went out to meet his friends. He called them one by one but to his dismay, no one can meet him today. If they are not out of town, they are on a date-- it's Saturday so it's couple's day; they say.

He wants to get rid of his loneliness just this once but he guess he'll be alone today; just like other days. He walk an endless path to pass the time. Without a definite destination, he let his feet brings him to anywhere. 

He only has his music from his phone to accompany him and even his back looks pitiful at this state.


Jihyo met with her friends in a reunion party. All are happy to see her again.

But she wasn't.

When she looks around, those people who attended the party isn't as successful as she is. However, they are all happier than her. A few of her closest friends even brought their love ones in the party and they couldn't care less on what's going on in that event.

A few more hour have past and all her friends are enjoying the night while she's stuck on the same seat she's sitting-- alone.

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