L. Conflicts

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Jihyo's POV

Yg: Jihyo... we need to talk.... now.

Jh: Now?? I'm heading to my next schedule right now oppa.

Yg: I don't care, we need to talk.

I bite my lips, is it about the IG post of Jaebum oppa?

Jh: Oppa, is it about the photo in IG? I'm sorry...

Yg: It's about that.... and more.

Jh: What do you mean?

Yg: That's why I'm asking you to meet up.

Jh: If I can, I will. Sorry oppa...

Yg: You know what.... never mind.

He hangs up on me for the very first time.

Jh: Yoong--?

I look at my phone trying to process what just happened.

He sounds so angry...

This won't do. I need to know why he's acting this way.

Jh: Oppa, can we drop by Yoongi's studio for a short while?

Mgr: I'm sorry Jihyo... we're running out of time.

Jh: Just a quick one?

Mgr: But it's in the opposite way.

I sighed, there's no way I'll be able to meet him at this point.

*dialing Namjoon's number*

Rm: Hello?

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