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As soon as Jihyo and her family came back from strolling, she excitedly runs back to her room. She told her parents that she'll meet a friend in a nearby cafe. They didn't ask much and allowed her to go as long as she'll be back before 11 pm. 

"Slowly, honey! You might fall."

Her mom yelled out of concern. She shouted okay but still runs up to the last flight of stairs. Inside her room, she stared at the clothes hanged in her cabinet. Since she had limited options to wear, she can't help but frown. 

"I wish I brought some dress with me, I forgot I didn't pack any. I should've rechecked my things this morning."

She's pacing back and forth, thinking about what to do. 

Hey Jihyo, it's not like you're going on a date. Why are you so bothered?

She thought out loud. 

Let's wear something casual, okay?

In the end, she picked a white hoodie shirt and a pair of jeans. She let her hair fall and put on his beloved hairpin. She put some light makeup too, just enough to have some colors. Lastly, she wears her red chucks and grabs her small backpack. It's already 6:45 pm when she checked the time on her wall clock. Her eyes got bigger realizing that she's gonna be late. She runs down the stairs hurriedly hoping she'll make it on time.

"Mom, dad! I'm going now!"

"Sweetie, be careful okay. Have fun"

"Thanks, mom"

"Remember, be home before 11 pm"

"Got it, dad! Bye!!"

She hailed a taxi and off she goes.


6:30 pm

Suga arrived first. The cafe is not that crowded but just to be safe, he occupied the table in the farthest corner. He gets anxious as time goes by. He started to play some mobile games while waiting but he can't focus. He thought to buy them coffee now but hesitates again when Jihyo sent him a message saying she might arrive a little late. He ends up listening to his unfinished demos saved on his phone instead.


Jihyo arrived in the cafe at 7:15 pm. She's trying to call Suga but he's not picking up his phone. She entered the cafe and search for him instead. She walks around the place while wearing her hoodie and mask. Luckily, the place wasn't crowded. In a corner, she saw a familiar back. She tried to ring Suga's phone again while staring at the guy. His mobile lits up without any sound. She went to where he is sitting only to realize that the boy is sleeping and his phone is on silent mode. 

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