XVI. Jihyo's gift

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Suga's POV

As soon as I entered our hotel room, I was greeted by Taehyung and Jimin in the living room. I nod at them and grab something to drink from the kitchen.

"Hyung, you look especially happy tonight."

V started, I finished drinking my water without paying him attention. 

Jm: We know something that you don't, hyung.

That caught my attention. 

V: Gotcha! 

Jm: Hyung, you wanna know about it? 

Yg: Like I  really care, don't involve me with your petty secrets. 

I headed to the bathroom to freshen up. 

V: Twice! 

I stop closing the door midway.

Jm: Jihyo? 

V: Jihyo! 

Jm: Cafe? 

V: Cafe! 

Yg: Hey, hey!  Stop! Did you guys followed me?! 

I bellowed, the two probably didn't expect my sudden outburst and started nudging each other. 

Yg: Speak up, you two. 

I started to tap my foot impatiently then Jin came. 

Jn: Hey, you're back. I was about to call this two for some sandwh---what's this bad aura around here? 

He looks at me and the boys simultaneously. 

Jn: What is it this time? 

V: Hyung... 

Jm: He's scary; Jin hyung. 

Yg: Tell me.

My voice is cold and deep. I've never felt so violated like this before. 

Jn: Calm a bit, Yoongi. Say something you two, explain why Suga is mad. 

V: We're sorry. It's just that... 

...dead silence... 

Jn: Tell me why you're angry Yoongi. 

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