XVIII. Sick & missing you

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Jihyo's POV

We have arrived at the studio for our Elle magazine photoshoot. I'm unfortunately running a fever and my eyes keep emitting tears on its own. Today's concept is a classic European style. We were supposed to wear dresses in earth tones and pearl accessories. Although undoubtedly skilled, the stylist is having a hard time beautifying me because of my pathetic look right now and I can only feel sorry for her. 

"I'm sorry for troubling you"

I said. I can't even wear contacts at the moment because my eyes are already teary due to my fever. She patiently redoes my eye makeup to make it look glowing. I'm just lucky enough I don't have colds or cough. She smiled at me despite our difficulty. I have to do my best for this photoshoot or else I'll end up putting her efforts to waste. I sat down in a corner after I finished my turn and Tzuyu came to accompany me. 

"Unnie, I felt bad for you. Did I cause you to be sick?"

"Of course not. Don't even think about it."

"But you look really tired right now. Can't you be excused from our  activities later?"

"I don't think I can. Can you do 'Hello counsellor' alone?"

She's taken aback. We have 2-hour filming for the said variety right after we finish our photoshoot. 

"Also, I need to sing at Pd's wedding. Her bride personally requested it from him, didn't she? I can't turn him down now"

I reminded her so she won't feel bad. 

"Don't worry too much Tzuyu, unnie's okay. Besides, I'm taking my meds"

"I'm sorry I can't be of help to you unnie"

"You're a good kid, that's a lot of help already. Please help Nayeon unnie look out of the members for me as well."

"Leave it to me unnie. I'll look after you too, okay."

"Okay, thank you... our maknae"

I ruffled her hair, she smiled at me and gives me a hug. Around 11 in the morning, Tzuyu and I departed the studio to do our separate schedule. She kindly let me sleep in the van. At 1 pm, we arrived and started to film. I tried my really best to look happy and healthy. Some noticed I'm not in good condition that's why they divert the attention to Tzuyu. I did whatever I can to help out since Tzuyu is still not comfortable having all the attention at her. She might be savage but she's still a shy kid 😁

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