VI. Stalking time

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All artists went back to stage for the ending part of the event. The last artist is singing his piece while the others are jamming along. Twice made it their job to help Jihyo find her hairpin.

Everyone's looking down scanning the floor. Other idols saw them and got curious. They eventually search for something they are unaware of. RV and Gfriend were helping despite not knowing the hairpin's exact appearance too.

Realizing that it is an impossible job, Jihyo asks the members to forget about it. Aside from the stage is huge and a lot of artists are gathered, confetti was thrown around as well and something that small will be impossible to find.

On the opposite side though, a certain someone is smirking to himself. He saw the girls looking for something and he knew instantly that they are looking for the pin in his possession. He checked it lying cold inside his coat's pocket --safe and sound.

"Should I give it to her now?"

He looks around, checking for a chance to bridge the gap between them. However, V; as annoying as he is pulled him in front instead. Jimin did the same to Rapmon and the rest of BTS members followed. 


Chaeyoung remembered their plan to set Jihyo and Suga together at the ending stage. She reminded her unnies about it. The bunny's brain cells started gearing up --thinking of a plan.

Ny: Hey Dahyun.. can you do something to get the sunbae's attention?

Mm: I'll help our dubu!

Ch: Count me in!

Ny: Good! On your way whisper to Tzuyu and Jeongyeon to keep Jihyo company. Ensure we won't be caught.

They signed 👌 in agreement and act according to the plan. Then she went to Sana and Mina to think of a good scenario for the ship. They are aware that a lot of fans are watching their every move that's why they have to act as natural as they can.

Ny: Sana, Mina... we're going to do the "Operation Yoonghyo" now. Help me think of a better plan, the others are getting sunbae while Jeong and Tzu are with Jihyo.

Sn: Oooh!! This is fun! How should we make them talk?

Mn: We have to think quickly. How about... 

(they put their heads together) They giggle right after, thinking how crazy their plan is.

Ny: Ok! Let's do that! Fighting!!


Dh: How should we call them, they're in front?

Ch: This is bad, how did they end up there?

Mm: Should we call them?

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