Chapter One : The New Kid

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"Hello, I'm the new transfer. I was told to come here by the teacher in the parking lot" the new student said flatly. I examined her, and finding they were a her was my first discovery... Well maybe the fact that she made my mouth drop to the floor was my first realization...Her hair was raven black, so purely colorless, it almost seemed to glisten blue. It came down to her mid-back, though it was kept in a tight, intricate braid.

"Ah, Hazel, right?" The person at the sign in said. Hazel. Hazel. Hazel. I will forever remember that name even if I have to write it on Marley's forehead.

"Yeah" she replied.

"Alright, Grace, this is Hazel, you're going to show her around" I stood up and walked over to Hazel. She didn't even bother to look at me, and let's be honest here, I really wanted her to look at me. The fact she didn't really stung.

"Hey. I'm Grace. Call me whatever you want but there aren't too many nicknames you can get out of 'Grace'" I smiled at Hazel, hoping she'd acknowledge me. Ugh, I'd told Marley before that, when she was making eyes at some guy or girl she was in to, she seriously needed to stop exaggerating her attraction to whoever it was. Well here I am to tell you that there is a possibility that she wasn't exaggerating and had a major crush. I think I am in that situation now. Crap I am not telling Marley about this! No way! She would never shut her face if she knew I was obsessing... For lack of a better word...

"I'm Hazel" she finally turned to me. Yay! But no celebration. She didn't react in any way, unlike my clear astonishment. Her eyes were colored like the middle of the ocean, giving off a powerful, though fluid aura. Her skin was smooth, clearly void of any make up, yet still perfect and without any sign of the normal teenage imperfections. She was, however, sheet white, the pigment of her skin just barely tinted the color of a natural complexion. I could spend forever examining her face... The only problem was that she turned away just as suddenly as she had looked towards me.

"Where are you coming from?" I tried to get her to talk. "Why are you just transferring now?"

"I was expelled" she replied flatly. Well she is a ray of sunshine and all things glittery. Oh, full of rainbows too. In case it isnt as obvious as it clearly is, that was sarcasm.


"My school wanted something I couldnt give" she stated more than responded to my question. "Please stop asking me questions. My life is my own, and you do not have permission to inquire" and she talks like a machine... Is there any logical reasons that I should like her, you know, aside from the obvious? Am I really that shallow? Yeeeeeah, probably...

"Alright then..." I'll just ignore the fact you just rejected conversation with me... Totally not offended or hurting... Ouch... I added to myself.

"Thank you" she said. Okay... It just got very quiet, very fast. Wow... Where was the din of the hallways? Cant someone just yell or something?! Anything?! Dont leave me in silence with her! This isnt going to last long... Ten... Nine... Three... One...

"I cant do it! Tell me anything about yourself! Anything! I cant take the quiet!"

"I'm fourteen" she sighed. "Now please leave me alone"

"Oh come on!" I must sound like a whiny bitch right now, but you know what? I dont give a faque.

"My name is Hazel, I'm fourteen years of age, female, and I'd love for you to stop"

"Where is Marley when I need her?" I groaned. "I need noise!"

"Right here, idiot. I could hear your irritating voice from Narnia, let alone my homework nook" I felt arms wrap around my waist and stop me in my tracks. She squeezed me tightly, enough to let me know she was trying to break my ribs. "Your little friend here is hot... You did say good things 'bout your BFFL, right?" she whispered discreetly into my ear.

"Hazel, Marley. Marley, Hazel" I cleared my throat. Hazel had continued walking in front of us, so she had to turn around and walk back, her eyes meeting mine. Is it possible to be so giddy with excitment and so devastedted at the same time? To see her beautiful sapphire eyes and see nothing there but the cold stone surface of the gems, it broke me and filled me with warm and fuzzies. I need to know what is behind them.

"Are you dating anyone?" Marley rested her chin on my shoulder, still attatched to my waist. "Cause this moron here has been so useless at getting me a date that I am currently single" I have tried to explain to her that her bluntness can sometimes not be the way to get a date, but this is how it always ends... And wait for the rejection.

"I'm not permited any romantic attachments, my relationships are strictly academic" Hazel shrugged. Marley whistled.

"Dude I think she is an android" she muttered to me. "A very, very pretty robot... God, maybe I should have joined robotics class..."

"I am not a machine. I simply do not involve myself in childish behavior" Hazel shook her head, seemingly disapointed in us.

"Dating is childish?" Marley pouted.

"Romance is a primal instinct and I will not subject myself to animalistic behavior. It is also unnecicary, distracting, and pointless, gaining me nothing while risking myself in the process" she casually stated as if it were completely normal for a fourteen year old girl to talk like that and have exactly no emotions whatsoever.

"Jeez, girl" Marley frowned, crestfallen. "So you sure you wont go out with me?"

"I will not" Hazel didnt hesitate to reject Marley.

"Kay..." Marley said, one side of her mouth forced into something resembling a smile for an instant before relaxing. "Do you have any sisters or brothers close to your age?"

"That is not for you to know" Hazel closed that conversation. "Dont you have classes to attend?" Why did it feel like she was more telling me to get to what she came for, rather than asking me a question? Wait... She was.

"Lunch is just getting out, now is my free period... I can introduce you to one of my friends if you want to go to class with her during this block" I responded with little enthusiasm. Hazel was just so... Empty that it drained the color out of everything. She took everything in but let nothing out, she had secrets, clearly, but she was as vibrant as a stone, letting nothing through her eyes, face, or gestures, she was simply blank.

"Please" she turned to walk away, but didnt move.

"Mar, can you get Robbie? Meet you at the top of the stairs. If we're not there then we'll be in the library" I pulled Marley's hands off my body.

"Kay, see ya later, love" she waved and headed off to find Robyn. She would be getting out of lunch now, and our group's favorite hang out was on her way to class so I definitely had this worked out.

"Follow me" I flashed Hazel a smile, then headed in the direction of the passage that branched off the main hallway of the second floor. All the art rooms were condensed in that small hall, and at the end of it was a huge window, two benches, a table, and a flight of stairs. It was probably the warmest spot in the building, at just the right temperature, with a beautiful view of the campus. The whole high school was like ten degrees below zero, so this warm little place was absolutely perfect. And no one really knew about it so it was all the more remarkable.

With my hopeful pleasure of seeing this girl and thinking she may be normal faded to nothing, I enjoyed the familiar silence of the halls, and the quiet between us was lost in the world of nothing.

"Here it is, just sit and wait for Marley and Robyn to get here" I said, taking a seat close to the window where it was warmest.

"Thank you" Hazel sat accross from me. My eyes darted to her face, catching her eyes just for a second before we both looked away. But the image of her flawless skin illuminated by the early afternoon sunlight. Her high but not too prominent cheek bones cast perfect shadows over her face, and her long eyelashes brought her almond shaped eyes out in beautiful contrast to the rest of her stony expression. I could go on forever describing the slightest details of that single image. The silvery gold look the sun gave her glossy black hair when it hit it at the right angle... What I wouldnt give to have her all to myself.

**Hey hey its me! New book that I'm excited about! Yay! Tell me if you like it, tell me what you think, tell me the answers to my homework so I can finish it and write more! :) <3 KiraG

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