69. Birthday Mess

Start from the beginning

"What time is everyone coming" I knew I was the one doing the invite but all I did was make the group chat Naya took over with the rest. "Three thirty have them out by seven or eight." She says

"I got time to play the game" it was more so a question she hated when I played it when guests were here "do whatever your heart desires just be ready by 2:30" she shrugs "my heart desires you" I quickly answer catching her off guard.

"But I know since we have people over your answer gon be no" I knew the drill. Guest over equals no sex I hated that little rule

"You don't know me" she argued rolling her eyes "I don't?" She shook her head "so your answer is yes?" I eyed her waiting to see.

"It's your birthday you can have whatever you like" she simply shrugged "I can?" I felt like she was playing a game with me. After all this time of her turning me down whenever Ben was over or my mom, sister, Chris or Ajay and now all of a sudden she has a change of heart.

"Yes sir" her eyes looked into mine with a mischievous smile on her face she was playing with me.

"Ayoo who all em you invited" Ben casually walked into the kitchen asking as if he wasn't in the group chat. "You in the group chat Stupid" I say annoyed now cause my moment with Naya was ruined.

"Yeah but ion got half them numbers saved" he leaned over the counter just then Ajay came in joining the conversation.

"He got us in there with like twenty people" they complained "aight we got Juice, you, him, Chris, Bach, uhh Her sister, shep, Roger and some other teammates" I say going off what I remembered. I honestly just put most of my contacts in.

"Aight coo so we can go get some beer" I guess the two had plans for the drinks I didn't even get that far honestly I don't even know what food is gonna be cooked. "Yeah knock yourself out" I shrugged not really caring what was here or not "you are such a bad host" Naya shook her head disappointed "hey y'all making it a party I just wanted a chill day hanging out" I tried to argue placing my hand on her thigh but truth be told I was a bad host. The fact that I wasn't caring about what was here for the guest or not was something new.

"Aight we'll be back" the two left leaving us two in the kitchen "I didn't think you'd invite Nattie" She says taking some of my omelet "why not it's your sister plus she's good peeps" If anything Nattie was also like a big sister to me I tended to call or go to her when I needed advice on Naya. "Okay but Marcel too how'd you think that'll go" I could tell she was worried this was the first time Ben and Marcel would be in the same area since the situation between him and Natalia happened.

"I mean Ben knows what's up he's not gonna cause a scene I just hope Marcel is that same way" I say hoping today went smoothly "Nattie I get but why Marcel you barely even know him" she was right I barely did but Nattie said she wouldn't come unless Marcel was here and I didn't want Naya to be the only female in a house filled with Men so I said Marcel could come who knows maybe we'll all build some kind of friendship.

"I know but they're back together so I guess getting to know him wouldn't hurt" I say not mentioning the real reason why. "Okay" she finally let it go but I could tell she still wanted to ask more.

"How do you feel?" I ask my hand immediately going to her stomach. Ever since I found out it was like I needed to know she was okay every second of the day even when she didn't feel good I made it my mission to search on google what to do to help. This was something I dreamed about with her I remember speaking to Jarvis about it a while back too on how I wanted a child with Naya and now look at us.

"I'm good, todays a good day" she smiles down at her stomach then back up to me "you sure no nausea, light hea-" I worried making her roll her eyes at me "yes I'm good if you don't stop you're bout to make it a bad day" she whined glared back at me.

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