I didn't want to have my time in Vegas ruined because Caleb was an immature asshole.

So I went to the club with Asher and some of the other people on this trip, trying to have a good time.

Caleb had gone to the casino with that girl he was with.

I hope he's having fun because I know I am.

I stood dancing as I had a drink in my hand.

I was in my own world at this point.

"You having fun?" Asher asked as he came up behind me.

I felt him wrap an arm around my waist.

"Yeah I'm having a blast," I slurred.

"I can see that. Let me get you a refill," Asher said.

Asher took my glass and went to get me another drink.

As he did that another guy came up to me.

"Hey sexy you here with anyone?" the guy asked.

I shook my head no.

"Well come party with me," he said.

"She's good," Asher stepped in as he came back with my drink.

The guy took the hint and walked off.

"Being a bodyguard for Caleb?" I asked as I took my drink.

"No just looking out for you," Asher said.

I shrugged and chugged my drink.

I threw my hands up and started dancing in a circle.

I was feeling the beat and asked Asher to dance with me.

Asher and I danced for a few songs and then we sat down.

He sat on the couch in the VIP section we were in. I sat on his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he just sat back.

"You're kind of hot," I said.

"Thanks," he said uninterested.

"Don't tell me you're one of those guys that care heavily into himself and know they're hot," I slurred as I rolled my eyes.

"Zoey you don't want me. You want Caleb," Asher said.

"Who says?" I asked.

"You're body language. I know him kissing Kate hurt you," Asher said.

"No it didn't. We're not together. I don't care what he does," I said lying to myself and Asher.

I don't want to care but I care.

Damn it, I care!

"We both know that's a lie," Asher said calling me out.

"No it's not. I'll prove it," I said as I leaned down and kissed him.

Asher seemed caught off guard but didn't push me away.

We kissed for a few seconds until I heard an angry roar.


I pulled away from Asher and Caleb was standing there looking mad as hell.

"Look she kissed me man," Asher said with his hands up in surrender.

"Oh so you can kiss someone else but I can't," I said as I got up off Asher's lap.

I stumbled a bit and Caleb caught me.

"Are you drunk?" he asked me.

"Maybe," I slurred.

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