I reached a room and pulled the door open to see Mike and Marcus standing there. Things tightened from below and I stopped in front of them panting. Marcus grabbed my arm to steady me but the feeling was so good i moaned. I saw Mike shake his head and Marcus pulled back making me whimper.

" Katie look at me." The sound of my now made me let out another moan. looked at Mike. " Do you want me to take the pain away?" He was going to give it to me he was going to pleasure me and save me from this horrible pain. I nodded eagerly. Mike stepped closer to me and I shivered. he touched my arm. I could feel all the sexual tension in me flee to that one touch.

He let go and I almost fell to the ground but he grabbed my waist to hold me up. He picked me up bridal style and handed me to Marcus. Marcus had a pained expression on his face which I didn't understand. " What's wrong Marcus?"

" Nothing love." He was lying I knew it but I was exhausted so I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.


" Wake up Katie! They are here!" A beautiful voice yelled through the darkness.


I shot up and looked around to see I was in a bed with Marcus. " Whose here?"

" Sh Katie it's just me. Jake and Micheal are outside yelling at each other." I gave him a confused look. I opened my mouth but I don't know what i would of said because there was a crash outside the door. i grabbed my knife and ran to it.

Outside there was chaos. Everyone was screaming orders and running around. Someone grabbed my arm and tried to push me back inside. I looked up the arm to see Jake. " Katie there is another attack please go in." He begged me. I shook my head and ran following the chaos.I saw an ebony and silver bow on a mantle and grabbed it . I walked into the armory next to it and grabbed some random arrows. I ran back to them.

" Get everyone you can to my room." I walked in and grabbed Marcus and ran for our lives.

"Katie why your room?"

" My room is magic proof." I reached my room to see guards there already. I pulled my weapon out and they did the same.

" Hold." Captain walked out of the group. " My girl we came to get you out of here."

" I'm not leaving anyone behind that I don't have to." I opened up my wall and threw Marcus in then closed it from the outside.

" What a shame." He made a motion towards me and they attacked. they attacked at once but I've fought them before and knew there weaknesses.I went to my cold place and struck out as fast as I could. All five who were in front had their stomachs spilling out on the floor. I looked at the other three and gave them a cold smile. They looked at the men on the floor then ran. I took my bow out and shot them all down with one arrow. Then I looked at the captain. He went to strike low and I chopped his head off before he could even scratch me.

" Katie!" I looked to see Anthony. I nodded at him and opened the wall for him to walk in but before he did I needed info.

" What happened Anthony?"

" They came for you and Damon. They are attacking anyone they see and told the guards if anyone gives you to them they will live." I nodded and pushed him in. I saw more running towards me but didn't lift my sword something told me to trust them.

" Mame we were sent by Jake he said that you requested us here." I nodded

" You will guard this doorway if you can not run in and shut the door and only let people that Marcus trust in." The man bowed and I opened the wall one more time before leaving.

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