Pistanthrophobia II

Start from the beginning

His eyes went wide at her action because she has never initiated a hug before and he felt more tears brim in his eyes. Hands moving up to squeeze her waist, he sobbed into her chest.

They moved to lay down onto his bed, with his head on her chest and her arms around him. Her hands moved in comforting circles on his back before stroking his head. All the while she did that, she kissed his head and forehead, and whispered that she'll be there with him. He choked out a soft thank you before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

It was night by the time Kaneki woke up and he glanced dazedly around the room. His mind replayed the part where Touka comforted him by taking him into her arms. It's been a long time since he's had a good sleep. He turned to his side, gazing at the woman beside him.

She was sleeping so peacefully, her face serene and relaxed. An exact opposite of when she was awake. Usually, she would have a frown or a scowl on her face, as if everyone in the world offended her or something. She was different during work though, a smile permanently plastered on her face as she interacted with the patients. His hand pushed her bangs away and caressed her cheek. He wanted to see more of her personality—

Her eyes shot open and she narrowed her eyes at him. "What? Attempting to kiss me again?"

Kaneki leaned in and grinned. "What if I said I was?"

Cheeks turning pink, she was at a loss of words. Shoving his chest to push him away, she jumped from the bed and looked back at him with a sly grin. "If you can catch me, I'll let you kiss me."

He was too shocked that she had already run out of the room before he could get out of bed. A smile formed on his lips as he remembered her words. I'll definitely have to catch her then.

After playing some hide and seek with her hiding in cupboards and behind curtains, he finally caught her in his arms, laughter filling the living room and they gazed at one another. With his arms around her waist, he leaned in, and murmured, "I'll be claiming my kiss now."

Her eyes fluttered closed, and Touka felt his soft lips press against hers. He had the scent of a male, but it was comforting. Heck, she felt safe in his arms. He pulled back to breathe before leaning in again. Her hands covered his mouth and he muffled in protest against her hands.

She smiled. "I didn't say you could get 2 kisses."

Kaneki whined, a frown on his lips. "Ehhh? But I want another one!"

The female giggled. Who knew that Kaneki Ken, the doctor who always eluded a mature aura around him, would also have a childish side?

"Nope. You have to earn it. If you make me happy, I'll think about giving you more."

"Think only?" He whined again.

Touka laughed and her expression turned serious. "Do you feel better now?"

He knew that she was referring to his demons, or nightmares, whatever it was that made him cry earlier. Nodding, he kissed her forehead and smiled. "Yes, thank you."

It was 4 months into their relationship that Kaneki started saying 'I love you's to her. He knew she didn't feel the same when she would just shrug and force a smile for him. Sometimes when he talked to her, she would just stare into space and have a very sad expression on her face. That's when he knows that she still thought about her ex-boyfriend and missed him dearly.

Though it was upsetting to see that, the male promised himself that he wouldn't give up on making her fall in love with him and that he would continue saying his 'I love you's until she's ready to say it back to him one day. After all, she was comfortable enough with him to let him hold her hand, hug her and even kiss her.

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now