First Kiss

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Touka's POV

First Kiss.

How does a first kiss taste like? This was always in my thoughts when I started dating Kaneki.

Well now I know. My mind went blank the moment our lips touched. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. What do couples usually do when they kiss? Close their eyes? Hug them?

I just froze there, like time has stopped. The moment our lips touched, it was like magic. I felt like I was in heaven and enjoyed the moment. I felt my face heat up. The kiss was softer than I had imagined it to be and it tastes kinda nice. (Since Kaneki's a half human and half ghoul)

Being a half ghoul and human, Kaneki gives off a sweet scent that only he possesses. I can't seem to describe it but it makes ghouls go dizzy and crazy after smelling it, including me.

I didn't want this moment to end. But it has to, eventually. The kiss was stretching a little too long and I felt dizzy from it as I didn't have enough oxygen going towards my brain. I pushed on his chest. At that moment, Kaneki pulled back and looked at me.

"Sorry Touka-chan. Was it too long?"

"I'm fine..." I said as I inhaled air.

Kaneki smiled and gave me a peck on the lips.

- END -

First kiss >\\\< have you guys had your first kiss yet? Do comment down how they feel like because I haven't had mine yet and I want to know xD

Sorry this chapter is so short!! I didn't know what else to write so... XD

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