A New World

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Request by @Natalia415 @Lokita_26 @Garyattexas @EllieSibley8

Art by @thaislovekanetou on tumblr. Big thanks to @back-in-black for helping me in this!

This is for day 7 of toukenweek. Last day T_T

Not confident about this but enjoy~


Escaping from Mutsuki due to Urie's help, Touka grabbed the metal detector and continued running up the monster while clenching her throbbing stomach. Hang in there, my child. All of this will be over soon once I find your father...

The detector increased in volume as she got closer to the top and she stopped at the spot where the beeping was the loudest. She squatted down and patted the flat surface. "Kaneki? I know you're there."

It gave no response and she tried again.

"It's Touka."

The monster reacted to her name with a grumble and it gave her hope that Kaneki himself would come out to see her but he didn't. She suspects it's because he is unconscious inside this monster body. This'll take some time, she thought as she sat down comfortably. The only one who can get him to stop this is her and she won't give up until she gets to see him again.

"Kaneki, if you can hear me, I need you to listen. We have joined forces with the CCG. There is no more enemy. You don't have to be scared anymore. Why don't you come out? Hinami, Shitty Nishiki, Hide... The child and I are waiting for you. Don't you want to see us?"


"I need you to name our child. I've been thinking but I couldn't come up with any good names. You know that I suck at Japanese right? It seems funny right now but I wished I had studied harder for my Japanese." She rubbed her belly and smiled. "I want our child to have a good name."

Again, another grumble.

"Please, Ken... I want you to be here when our child is born... Think of us... Of our family... Who knows, maybe after all this, ghouls won't be hunted down anymore and everything will be okay..." She said, looking down at the stomach.

She never noticed that she was crying until a tear fell from her chin to her hand.

"I really need you, our child needs you. I don't want our child to grow up without a father, like me. Maybe it'll be a little girl or boy. I prefer a boy but I'm sure you'll want a girl so you can spoil her like a princess. We'd be able to give it love, support and a life our parents didn't or couldn't give us... " She said.

She stood up and walked to one of its large eyes. Kneeling down in front of it, she slowly pulled her shirt up and looked at the eye which seemed to have a reaction to her tummy. "I don't care if you've changed while you're in there... I just want you to see our child." She whispered, voice shaky as a tear fell into the monster's eye and it blinked.

"I remember playing with the children and I hope someday that will be us with our child. Three of us playing catch together."

"Family..." The giant monster rumbled.

Touka gasped. "Ken, are you there?"

Deep down in the large body, Kaneki opened his eyes. "Touka... I want to see her..."

Suddenly, all of the eyes opened at once and the ground started shaking. There seemed to be some sort of commotion downstairs as she heard sounds of people shouting. The head of the monster turned to her and she watched the mouth move. "Tou..ka."

"I'm here!" She shouted and its head nodded to the building beside it. Unsure of what that meant, she still decided to give a try and ran to the nearest building to its head, standing on the top floor. "Ken!" Calling out his name, she opened her arms wide and the monster nuzzled its head against her.

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα