I M Chapter 105

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Authors Note: Sorry for the late release!

For those who are not following me at Royal Road, I have shared there a couple of times about my problems regarding work and being stressed most of the time due to, lazy co-workers either not working or not showing up where I had to cover for them, being forced to work during some of my rest days due to lack of staff and stress from a whole lot of other things. I have requested to be transferred multiple times to a different department/unit.

After three months, I have finally got my transfer and felt extremely happy that it made me cry... the same problems every day for one whole year of hell was finally over, sorry if I'm being emotional I just wanted to get it off of my chest.

Also in a few days, I will be off in my 45-day vacation back at my home country with my family so I'm not sure if I could squeeze any updates during at that time, but I will try.

Thank you for all those who understand.


The Empire Corps had recently received an intel that Matthew and Angelica were at Nielitz and promptly teleported themselves there and upon arrival, they interrogated the villagers.

"Where are they?!"

"I don't know!"

"Lying with us could get you trialed for treason and sentenced to death!"

Anna was sitting on the floor with her hands bound behind her back, her body was badly bruised with violet spots all over her torso and knees. She was being questioned by Grant who is holding a wooden club.

"Please, she really didn't know where they went."

"Village leader..." [Anna]

"If she won't talk, then you talk old man." [Grant]

"After the woman killed those gangsters we hastily sent them off from fear of retaliation!" [Village Leader]

"Even after seeing one of your residents get beaten you still won't tell me where they are?!" [Grant]

Grant raised the club as he prepares to smack the old timer, but was stopped.

"Stop it, Grant."

"What Hughes?" [Grant]

Hughes had grabbed the club.

"Can't you see that they are afraid?" [Hughes]

"Despite your intimidating appearance, you are always a softie." [Grant]

"Captain I'll talk to them." [Hughes]

"... Go ahead." [Lionel]

"Captain!" [Grant]

"Stand down Grant." [Artemis]

"Shut up Artemis! I'm not talking to you." [Grant]

Grant faces Lionel.

"I cannot help but notice the preferential treatment you are giving to everyone except me." [Grant]

"It's not that Grant." [Lionel]

"What is it then?! Do you want me to tell my father?" [Grant]

"You should learn from Hughes." [Lionel]

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