I M Chapter 87

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Inside the adventurers guild, it was very different and also very-very messy... out of all of the guilds that we've been to, this is the most cluttered of all of them.

There was metal junk scattered around some of which seem like huge cogs, that are being used as tables by the adventurers.

By the walls, there were leaning monstrosities, hollow full body armors. They were surrounding the guild hall...

I hope that none of these armors would get possessed and then suddenly come to life. If I remember correctly, Maria, mentioned something like those existing too.

Boy, I guess the guild master really has a bad taste at decorating stuff...

"This place is scary..." [Mooly]

"You think so too Mooly?" [Angelica]

"Un." [Mooly]

Mooly said as she tugs a part of my skirt.

"Whoa, new faces."

"There are even two beauties."

The male adventurers stared at me and Maria.

"Oh! a cowgirl. Do you want to party with me?"

This guy is a demi-human bear. Sitting upright his whole body is almost covered in brown fur. Thank god that the sensitive parts are hidden by his armor.

"No." [Mooly]

"C'mon it's going to be fun."

Before he manages to grab Mooly's hand I intercepted him. This bear is dangerous where is the party wagon when you need them. Looking closely at him this dude almost looks like ped* bear.

"You have balls for trying to get cute, but deadly in your party." [Angelica]

"Cute, but deadly?"

"Wait... a cowgirl with green clothes and huge racks."

"Dumb-ass, all cowgirls have huge racks."

The men nearby had question marks floating all over their heads. One even smacked another dude for being stupid, of course, all cowgirls have huge breasts that even I know of it.


"The chick, that could lift a greatsword with just one hand?!"

One couldn't speak clearly and just pointed his hand at Mooly while shaking in fear.

Ah, seems like it reached even as far away as here. Mooly's nickname (Cute, but deadly)

"S-sorry for bothering you! We'll all be off then!"

Those guys left as fast as they finished the sentence. The other adventurers looked our way.

"The inventors' party?"

"Wait THE inventor?!"

Ah, crap. I forgot that people also knew that Mooly is with us. So much for stealth, now, I wouldn't be able to go around shopping without people asking me for my inventions.

"Get her to the guild master!"

"Eh?" [Angelica]

What the dwarven fuck?!!

Dwarfs by the hundreds circled around me and carried me off.

"Angelica!" [Blake/Maria]

"Sis!" [Mooly]

"..." [Irvine]

As if in a comedic act. I was lifted and thrown into a room my butt bounced on the floor hitting it multiple times.

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