I M Chapter 61 [Michelle]

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It had been a week since the incident. As for the recruits who were wiped out... the investigation team just said that the attack due to their inexperience gave them no chance of surviving. So knight training became even more harder...

"Good morning Terrence." [Elaine]

"Good morning prin-." [Terrence]

"It's Elaine. How many times do I have to tell you that?" [Elaine]

"Allow me to correct myself... Good morning Elaine." [Terrence]

"Mmn-mmn better." [Elaine]

I smiled at him and he shyly looked away. This has now become a daily occurrence. In which every morning when I open the door of my room he greets me like this outside.

He comes with me wherever I go. When I go to mother's grave, at parties in the castle and also on my magic lessons.

When we got back. I've decided to learn some Healing and Supportive magic. So that I can heal and treat injuries whenever possible, I don't want that to happen again...

I've noticed that it was hard for me to explore the city, because of my extra knight escorts. From that I requested father to just let Terrence look out for me. At first he was reluctant, but when I told him that Terrence defeated the three ogre's while defending me, he changed his mind.

"Wait isn't it supposed to be only two?" [Regina]

Mother shows a mischievous smile.

"Ahh." [Maria/Kate/Regina/Angelica]

Blake, just looked at us dumbfounded... he didn't know how evi... cunning  Michelle really was...

Since that day, I went out with him. Some of which are dates, but he doesn't seem to know it was...

I asked father if he could have his generals teach me more about strategies and formations.

After learning and improving via trial and error I've managed to get the hang of it. I'd just have to factor in a few stuff to make sure that my plan would work.

Like morale, numbers, terrain, weather, equipment, training, supplies, specialty and the type of enemy we or they are facing.

Well that was certainly a few...

My skills were tested when there was a threat against the kingdom. Originally, the Blackrock Republic was a small nation and because of that, other nations try to invade our territory.

In the past, because of our small and weak presence. Negotiations weren't possible and they just took us as small-fry.

But as I've led our forces. We've managed to push them back and got a part of their territory too, until our kingdom grew and the attacks have ceased, that is for now...

Now that our kingdom is big. Father, has gotten a lot busier and also because of that he has given me more guards in which I cannot simply turn down. It would be problematic if I was suddenly kidnapped and taken hostage by another country or kingdom.

My strolls to the city became lesser as father became strict with my security, so I was almost always in the castle like before...

Terrence, knowing the person I am, knew that I wouldn't stay still... and so he helped me snuck out of the castle. During that time there wasn't any restraint so I was able to fully enjoy the city while with him.

He took me to places where people flocked to like the market, there I saw people merrily doing their business. Selling their wares, I've also eaten at food stalls. I never knew that food there were that delicious. Most of the food that I ate in the castle were prepared by cooks and ever since I was a child, I had already eaten most of their cooking and is now mostly rotational with the same food after a week or month...

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