I M Chapter 71

877 26 2

"Sister won!" [Mooly]

"How did you beat her?!" [Blake]

"What is that you threw at her?" [Maria]

They were all surprised at the outcome. I managed to reverse the tide of battle with my ace.

"Fufufu." [Angelica]

"Hey, isn't that a?" [Maria]

"Golden royal dog treat?!" [Blake]

"Dog treat?" [Mooly]

"Where did you?" [Blake]

"I brought it." [Angelica]

"Ahh..." [Blake]

Blake, seem to get what I meant.

A long time ago I've noticed that Blake, was buying these dog treats. I never asked the reason why he brought them though, I thought that he was just taking care of some strays, but when I checked the price at the animal shop, my mouth rolled down like tissue paper.

For just a pouch of 5pcs of these darn treats, is already equal to a whole reward of an AR3 quest... which is 200 Silver coins!! Five times, FIVE... FREAKING... TIMES! More expensive than my stoves, can you fucking believe that?!

I don't know if this thing contains any drugs, but considering the price there probably is lol. Hahh... sorry... I just had to rant.

Blake, said that his masters training is very expensive. At first, I thought it was a sham, but when he showed me the results while we do mock-ups. I had changed my mind and when he introduced me to Evelyn, I managed to connect the dots. The payment isn't money, but the treats!

She's going to use some of the money in our duel to buy them...

"Is it alright to feed this to a demi-human?" [Maria]

"Dunno... master seem to like them though." [Blake]


Mooly, pokes Evelyn with a branch.

"Wahh?!" [Evelyn]

"Ahh?!" [Mooly]

Mooly, fell back as Evelyn recovers.

"What happened?!" [Evelyn]

"You lost." [Mooly]

"H-how?!" [Evelyn]

I showed her the pouch of dog treats. Her face suddenly became red.

"That's... that's cheating!!" [Evelyn]

"You said I can use anything right?" [Angelica]

"Uhg..." [Evelyn]

"She won fair and square master." [Blake]

"Shut it! I want a rematch! Rematch!!" [Evelyn]

"How about you concede and I'll give this to you?" [Angelica]

"O-kay~" [Evelyn]

She snatched it from me and started eating the treats. One by one, while holding her left cheek giggling, savoring the taste. It reminds me of a a certain dog when it receives some treats... {1}

"Ha..." [Evelyn]

She stopped when she realized her mistake, but it was already too late. Heheh, troll face.

"My win then." [Angelica]

"Shi..." [Evelyn]

"You were saying?~" [Angelica]

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