I M Chapter 32

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The day has come... far away at the plains we see a column of orcs.

These orcs are different from what we have fought until now. They look buffed, experienced and well armed. Compared to those we see in Libang, those only seem like small fry.

Almost all carried large axes or cleavers. Even from far away, we can hear them marching, their marching sounds very similar to the opening of hellmarch {1}. They follow the beat of their war drums.

On the opposite side. Are us humans, knights, and adventurers. Numbering at around 700+ while they are 4,000? Hard to guess how many they were... this isn't sparta {2} right?

Oh, the 700 that fought bravely against the legion of 4000 or something orcs, up to their last breath. I better stop being pessimistic...

From our lines. I can see a few people trembling, some even said "This isn't a good idea..." or "I should've left the city earlier."

I was beside Blake, we were in the same line near the back. Because we are ranked AR2, the people with most experience are moved to the front. Meanwhile... Maria is right behind us, being a magician, they must best be protected.

Here is the setting of our formation.

At the front we have the knights who are our vanguard, behind them are adventurers of the warrior class with their different weaponry at the middle are archers and at the far back are the magicians. Forming a giant triangle.

At the sound of the enemy horn. The orc legion halted their march.

The war drums stopped. It became so silent, that you can hear the birds chirping from far away.

"Archers! Ready your bows!"

"Magicians! Begin casting!"

The orcs, seem to be ordering their side too, but I cannot understand what they were saying.

Again, at the sound of their horn, warcries filled the battlefield. The orcs started running like maniacs. Their feet thundering through the plains.


400 meters...


300 meters...

"Send them Hell!!"

At 200 meters the battlefield is bathed in a variety of colors. Red, White, Green, and Yellow. I do wish that Green was Black... {3}

Offensive Spells

Red the color of fire, area spell ▪Firestorm▪ a fiery tornado that uses the surrounding air as fuel to keep itself ablaze. Being near it can suffocate you to death, if not it will devour you with its flames.

White the color of ice, area spell ▪Permafrost▪ ice that spreads in an area, if it comes into contact with skin. It will make that part break like glass when struck.

Green the color of poison, area spell ▪Toxic Bane▪ a poison cloud, so deadly that even a whiff of it will surely bring you at death's doorstep.

Yellow the color of lightning, area spell ▪Lightning Storm▪ a barrage of lightning bolts striking randomly at a fixed area, getting hit by it will sear you to a crisp.

There are also other elements like earth and wind.

▪Earth Spike▪ Sharp spears of earth, pierce from underground impaling those that are above.

▪Vaccum▪ Devoids the area of oxygen and replaces it with carbon monoxide. I guess it's similar to poison, but not as deadly can be used to weaken foes.


Most of these area spells are leveled at either Expert or Master, but because of their power. It needed to be cast. Unlike lower spells around Novice and Apprentice level which is a no-cast.

And lastly, arrows rain upon the orcs who survived the barrage. The knight who was at the front raised his sword and shouted.



{1} A Red Alert 2 theme

{2} Reference to the movie 300

{3} Reference to RWBY

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