I M Chapter 95

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An incredible force has driven itself through the tunnel area. Upon its destruction, it randomly hurled huge chunks of rock towards the village, damaging and destroying some buildings in the process.

One flew our way and crashed at the plaza leaving dust and debris in its wake. It was too fast and too big for us to intercept...

Landing just a few feet away from us... We were lucky enough to not get hit by it as it is just too sudden... because if it did, it would've spelt instant death for our group.

There were those are unlucky, however... women and children were the majority of the people there while also counting a few adventurers and rescuers...

From the place I was standing on. It was like... somebody spilled over some ketchup and half-assedly wiped it off using a piece of cloth...

At the place of impact lay a torn and bloodied teddy bear... around it are humanoid remains... I closed my eyes and looked away... I pray that the suddenness of the event granted them a quick and painless passing...

When the dust had settled. The magic crystals that lighted the ceiling illuminated the monstrosity that towered over 30-35 meters high and 70-80 meters long as it emerged from the hole it had made using its sharp claws. It's body, almost bare bones with a few patches of its hide in between. On its back is what used to be wings of some sort and in its hollow eye sockets lies a red flame, which flickered each time it moved.

"An undead?!" [Maria]

I've heard about them from Maria and Kate. The undead can only rise if there is a pool of negative energy nearby that can reanimate them, it is not the same energy we use for invoking magic. As I've read at the royal library it is more like the energy of negative emotions, but it is still being concluded if it were the case as there is very little to no information regarding them.

"Not just an undead it is also a wyvern..." [Irvine]


The nearby elf screamed its name. As he did, the other elves also went into a state of shock, where a few of them ran away and those who stayed readied for battle. We can see the fear in their eyes as they stared at the giant moving skeleton that was rampaging from the distance.

"Verschlinger?" [Angelica/Blake/Mooly]

"It was one of the strongest wyverns that we've ever faced in the past. We have only managed to defeat it by combining the remaining human, elf and dwarven armies hundreds of years ago." [Irvine]

As we were still baffled by what had happened a battle ensued. Near the wyvern, we could see multi-colored lights that were illuminating the building walls, they were magic spells of different elements. We hear battle cries and clashing at the foot of the wyvern.

It had swung down its bony tail wrecking building after building and swiped with its claws, which has sent bodies flying some of which are dismembered... It then picked up a house with its mouth and crushes it with its jaw.

"Everyone! Evacuate the village now!"

"Village leader!"

"The guild master!"

Russel who was carrying a child over his shoulder ran towards the plaza with five dwarfs that are behind him.

"Please get everyone away from the village as soon as possible." [Russel]

"But what about our homes? Our shops?"

"You'd be much safer outside. I doubt that the other pillars can support the additional weight as a few of them had already collapsed..." [Russel]

Just as he finished saying that another pillar crumbled and fell on a building that is close to the wyvern. Looking back at us he continued...

"As of now, there is a very little chance that a snowstorm will generate. I advise some adventurers and a few who have combat experience to accompany the evacuating villagers from the dangerous monsters outside and I wouldn't want them to be defenseless." [Russel]

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